Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Audience Analysis Characteristics Of My Classroom Audience
Audience Analysis: Characteristics of my Classroom Audience Audience analysis is described as the process of examining information about your listeners. Then using that analysis helps you adapt your message so that your listeners will respond as you wish (Steven A. and Susan J. Beebe, 2015). It is highly important to read your audience when presenting a speech, the first thing I noticed about my classroom audience was everyone has a good sense of humor and were open minded as to what they might be hearing. In this paper I will be analyzing my classroom audience and describing how they might react to my speeches and what is the best way to present my speeches. I will discuss the differences between each person and how their views will shape my speeches as a whole because ultimately I must appeal to my audience. When I gave my first speech to the class about my life I was very nervous, I didn’t know any of these people and they didn’t know me, but by the end of my speech I realized it wasn’t that bad and we all get stage fr ight so it was okay that I was nervous. I saw then how understanding my audience was and they won’t judge my speeches as a whole based off of one mishap. While standing in front of the class presenting I saw a lot of head nodes indicating to me that they were following along with what my life was about and they showed interest by laughing, and by doing these thing they we unknowingly giving me feedback about how I was doing and weather they liked what theyShow MoreRelatedThe Mental Models Chapter Of Meaningful Learning With Technology Helped Me Understand The Complex Thinking Involved With Creating Mental973 Words  | 4 Pagesworking and then determine, with the cognitive aid of mind mapping, where I could focus my work and the work of our students. 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