
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Bolsheviks and Revolution Essay Example for Free

Bolsheviks and Revolution EssayIt is time to moderate action. Let go of the old ways and embrace a new one that promises betterment for yourselves, and especially a brighter incoming for your children. Let us abandon centuries of being poor, illiterate, and subjects to the select few. Our ancestors accept quietly, and perhaps, gladly evaluate the Tsar and the so-called nobilitys put to chafehers, demands, and humiliations. Perhaps they were glad, and perhaps they were not. They may have secretly wanted something different for us, their children. exclusively without anyone leading them, they kept their secrets in their hearts.Now is the time to realize our forebears dream of a free tribe in a free nation. A nation where the masses needs argon heard and interpreted cared of. We are all tired from the promises of liberation that some groups have postulated but never made true. To take hold up force is regrettably necessary to dislodge the wealthy, fat and richly-dressed nob ility. They have an over-abundance of institute that provides them with large incomes. They have excess viands on their table that they never knew what being hungry means. They have armies and sol conkrs that fight for them during war.Their children leave alone grow up with no fear of the future for their wealth and their status would speak reveres for them. Did you not wonder how its like to have even a portion of what they have? Wouldnt you like to prepare even the simplest food to calm your childrens hunger so that they may sleep the night full, instead of choosing to sleep in order to for start hunger? Our children deserve to eat and be clothed with warm clothes during the bitter pass months. We all deserve better than what the royals and the autocrats deem to bestow on us depending on what they think our worth.We are people like they are. They shouldnt have more of whats their due while we get little of whats rightfully ours. 2 Wouldnt you want to till your own cut down a nd enjoy your own produce instead of tilling a land and giving the produce to your rulers? The peasants sweat and work separately day to make the lands productive. And what do you get in ex remove? You pay outrageous rents to people who never had their nails dirtied. These landlords never knew the kind of labor that each one of you has to go through everyday in order to feed your families.Yet when harvest comes, they get the lions share of the income, while youre left with barely enough to last you till the next harvest. Many of our youths system even have the chance to become farmers. Theyd be forced t wander and become laborers in somebody elses land. Are we to continue catering to the very few who are in power? I say no. Let us be one and take control of our future. Wouldnt you want to bar this war with the Germans in order for us to get on with our lives without fear of getting attacked? Let us end up fighting useless wars that cause famine in our lands.Let us call our soldi ers sept to help us attain a new regime a government that is for the people. A government where each one of us share equally in the bounty of our lands. The government should be for us, ordinary people. The nobles and the royals are but a few in this vast nation. It is us who make this nation function. We toil, we labor, we die so that a few elite could continue with their dinners and banquets and extravagance. I say, we must put a stop to this folly. For it is folly to submit and choose a greatly flawed system.It is folly to continue in this unrelenting state when there is a way to improve our lot. Let us make Russia a land of the people. Let us all be called Bolsheviks, for the name would be remembered in a distant future as the people who brought change in a country that has the potential to become great. We must change and change requires no other way but to take up arms and fight. Fight, if we must. Fight the dictators of the land and drive them away from their throne. We have to unite and act. Food, land and peace. These, my friends, are our rightful due.

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