
Friday, February 22, 2019

Missing the Train Essay

In my story Missing the germinate I used foreshadowing to show that I was lately to domesticate by missing the checker, to support the fact that whenever you dont be on time for the first part then you will not be on time for the next part. I was sleeping peacefully under the warm covers until my annoying alarm clock started ringing its annoying tone. I got up and turn off the alarm and thats when I established how cold the floor was. I quickly ran to the seat when I effected I left the window open last night and the bathroom was freezing. There was a shiver that ran though my spine and thats when the goosebumps formed. I turned on the warm water and washouted my represent with my face wash that somehow got in my eyes and started to burn. I tried to wash it off with water but it still stung but easy went away. I felt disgusting so I got dressed and allot on my make up so I looked presentable. I didnt like my outfit so I changed it about 3 times.I looked at the clock thats when I completed that I was late so I quickly ate my breakfast and ran out the entre to catch the train I always take when I realized I missed it, so I had to seem at the train station for about 10 minutes. It was really cold out in the morning so I had to wait downstairs where is smells bad, the smell make me want to throw up. The train finally came and I had to sit in between two kids playing fun run this game and they were striking me every time they would make a move. I was very irritate and of course I get off at the last stop. The train ride wouldnt have been so bad if the 2 kids werent there. After I got out of the train station I had to wait for the bus for a long time. I saw my bus lessen after 15 minutes I was very annoyed because thats when I realized I wasnt going to make it to school on time.

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