Thursday, January 31, 2019
Religion Essay -- Philosophy, God
Truth, in matters of trust, is simply the opinion that has survived, was a statement made by Oscar Wilde. (Dawkins, pg. 222) In Richard Dawkins halt, The God Delusion, regards the transmission line of the supernatural being in piety being not feasible. Richard Dawkins proposes his argument with rigor and wit, Dawkins eviscerates the arguments for theology and demonstrates the supreme improbableness of the existence of a supreme being. (Dawkins, 2008) Moreover, the author uses vital assessments by all(prenominal)ocating the origins of the religion, depth psychology of the Darwinian natural filling and other metaphysicists that are the present-day(a) reasoning for phenomenal causes, and the justification of Gods existence. Therefore, the purpose of this novel is to mind and scrutinize our religious beliefs. This was shown when Charles Simony, a professor, had said, This brilliantly argued, provocative book challenges all of us to examine our beliefs, no matter what beliefs we hold (Dawkins, 2008). Thus, this book is write for people who want to engage in the contemporary world of religion and science. An acknowledgement made by Seed stated, A powerful argument for how to think about the place of religion in the modern world. It s going to be a classic (Dawkins, 2008). In addition, this book would to the highest degree resemblingly attract atheists because of the challenge of Gods existence in religion through the examination of the roles of religion and scientific explanations. The Economist stated, Everyone should get it. Atheists will love Mr. Dawkins incisive logic and rapier wit, and theists will hold few better tests of the robustness of their faith. Even agnostics, who claim to have no opinion on God, may be persuaded that their position is an unte... ... authoritative beliefs called tenet), practices (including formalized rituals), and social institutions. (bowen, 2011) There are many atheists within our contemporary society especially in North America which the debate of religion and science more prominent. In addition, within this book he uses many notable scientists and significant figures that are excellent proofs that support his argument. In my opinion, overall, the book was an eye-opener and the content was very engaging. In addition, when reading this novel, I felt like I agreed with some of the statements that Dawkins had proposed, in n particular, the natural selection of Darwinan theory. Therefore, this book is very persuasive and puts a new perspective on religion. Overall, the author reached their objectives because he was very convincing and included support and point throughout the novel.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965
Abolition of The Death Penalty1040 Words5 PagesThe Abolishment of the Death Penalty As Americans we live in a modern republic under a presidential term constructed to secure the rights of the tribe. Todays government and judicial systems were forged by our excogitation fathers as they fought to establish a government free from tyranny and brutality and thereby forming a governing body based on civil liberties.Our country has grown and matured by with(predicate) the centuries and in effect has made changes and alterations as innovations and advancements have deemed necessary. One theatre of operations where we seem to have evolved at a slower rate is in the archaic and often inhumane judicial laws of the shoemakers last penalization.The terminal penalty, a law which strips the civil liberties and violates the human rights of the accused offender, need to be abolished. If as a nation we argon to uphold our integrity it is imperative that the coupled States embrace the macr ocosmwide movement toward the complete abolition of the inhumane suffice of capital punishment.Intense controversy over the legality of the devastation penalty in the fall in States has always been multi-faceted and emotion entirelyy charged. Constitutional lawyers insist the founding fathers made provision for the death penalty in the 5th amendment which guarantees collect process of law before a person can be deprived of life, liberty or property, darn ignoring the 8th amendment which debar cruel and unusual punishments (Singh, 2003).There is no constitutional amendment that gives state or federal governments the authority to proclaim death as a penalty. This is an laying claim based on the methods of punishment used in the era of the kickoff colonies. The archaic eye for an eye, Annie get your gun justice has regressed into a self-justifying realm of indecision where it is easier continue in conventional tradition.We need to call for the legal system be held accountable to constitutional laws as write not as interpreted based on history. Death by hanging, firing squads, electrocution, the gas chamber and death by lethal guesswork are all options still available to those on death row. to each one one in progression a little more(prenominal) down then the one before it, or so society attempts to move themselves.The courts, as well as society, need to stop accepting and allowing these down(p) acts of purposely killing another human in the name of justice. In recent centuries the majority of American citizens supported the death penalty accept it served both as a deterrent and as an appropriate retort to particularly heinous crimes.Unquestionably, there are heinous acts of crime cosmos committed. Yes, these crimes need to be addressed, victims and their families need validation and offenders needed to be prosecuted, penalize and kept from harming others. Yet, in our imperfect legal system and often overzealous prosecution mistakes are inevit able.Seemingly conclusive circumstantial evidence, coerced confessions, emotionally slanting witness testimonies, inadequate legal representation and community pressure all fatal ingredients that could lead to a life altering mistake by a jury of the accused peers or a presiding judge. It could be make dod that death is what murderers deserve.However, requiring that the punishment fit the crime is an unacceptable principle, we would then have to gull this to all crimes such(prenominal) as rape, assault and torture. While punishment needs to be proportionate to the offense and retribution is sought, these are not fundamental and objective reasoning for the death penalty.Although some advocates for the death penalty would argue that its merits are worth the occasional execution of innocent people, to maintain the death penalty in the failures of the system is unacceptable (ACLU 2011). Eighty-four years ago, referee Learned Hand said, Our procedure has been always haunted by the weirdo of the innocent man convicted (Law Social Inquiry, 2009).The argument for a deterrent of lashing crimes cannot be upheld consistently or statistically as a keen-sighted determinant. We need to stop allowing our legal system to play off of emotion and the human desire for retribution and begin to acknowledge alternative sentencing such as life in prison with protrude parole. This is more humane as well as cost effective, due to less court magical spell fees, separate housing and security costs, and the need for victim validation through life-long punishment is still fulfilled.The death penalty should no longer be a legal option. Once, unequivocally accepted worldwide for a strain of crimes, the death penalty has been widely outlawed in todays progressive society. The United Nations General Assembly imposed a policy that states throughout the world, it is sexually attractive to progressively restrict the number of offenses for which the death penalty might be imposed, wit h a view to the desirability of abolishing this punishment.As of recent, 140 countries, more than two-thirds of the countries in the world have now abolished the death penalty in law or practice (Amnesty International, 2012). How can America remain important in speaking with other nations about human rights and civil liberties while leading their own convicted citizens to death row? We need to step out of the hypocrisy and stand with these other countries worldwide and abolish the death penalty. customary American direct children recite the Pledge of Allegiance in their classrooms restate for liberty and justice for all. American junior and senior high school students are being taught the history of the United States, the Constitution and Bill or Rights. They learn about civil liberties, American freedoms and the justice of the legal system. Yet, we are not providing them with examples when we continue to implement the death penalty.In an ever travel country where liberal thinki ng and tolerance, equality and human rights are promote by leaders, we still hold fast to an archaic and unthinkable law, the death penalty. We need to hear the truth in the words of the framers of the constitution, the voice of the world and the cry of those who are appalled by the violation of human rights.The people of this free nation need, with one voice, to call for the abolition of the death penalty.ReferencesAmerican urbane Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation, 2012, Retrieved March 9, 2012, http// International, 2012,Retrieved March 9, 2012, http// & Social Inquiry, intensity level 34, Issue 3, 603633, summer 2009 Robert Singh, PhD, Governing America The Politics of a split up Democracy, 2003
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Learning-Centered Teaching Essay
John J. Sparkes presents a agnise discussion or argument nigh the discipline-centered approach to precept method as a means to address the engage to draw apparentions between contrary styles, approaches, techniques, etc. of eruditeness. This thought is motivated by the diversity of learners and the varying influences of the schooling environment and experiences to learners.Sparkes instruction-centered approach to teaching looks into considering the nature or characteristics of learners and the dimensions of acquirement in terms of determining what learning strategies, approaches, techniques, methods, materials, and such to incorporate to pedagogical make fores in order to extend to the definitive meaning of learning. Sparkes also suggests that learning-centered teaching is in all about the process of adopting or assuming various types of teaching methods and implementing them within learning situations and environments that suit the structure of each method.(Sparkes, 1 999) Aside from the established teaching methods, learning-centered teaching, which looks into the accomplishment of the purpose of learning, should also considered various learning needs that still the obtainment of knowledge, skills, and competencies constituting the learning cultivations and objectives. The contrastive structures of learning subjects and materials bring about the need to consider various learning needs as the ability of a learner to obtain knowledge and skills depends upon the content of the learning material.Sparkes argued that the learning goal or objective of understanding concepts requires varied processes depending on the course or subject of learning. For instance, understanding concepts in English and literature requires comprehension of narration materials while concepts in Science and Mathematics requires the discernment of problem-solving strategies and processes through the coat of the theories and models learned. (Sparkes, 1999)In addition, Spark es discussed individual differences, in terms of how learners are able to apprehend the learning content and materials according to their own pace and expectations of how the learning process and environment should be. Moreover, the capability of individuals to learn are relative to their desired learning situations that is, the kind of learning environments, situations, and materials that they would feel comfortable with resulting to their internal and external pauperism to learn and engage in the teaching-learning process.(Sparkes, 1999) Sparkes view of the learning in this detail discussion shows how he considers the dimensions of learning realistically, looking into the emotional, psychological, social, physical, and moral features of the learners are distinct and unique individuals and requiring the need to design the teaching-learning process to adapt to these human distinguishing characteristic in order to facilitate successful learning processes. Sparkes presented a com prehensive, reliable, and legal discussion of how the landscape of statement should be structured.The teaching-learning process is fueled by the mission, goal, objective, or purpose non only to transmit knowledge nevertheless also to motivate the comprehension of knowledge and information for practical action in real-life situations or experiences. The product of learning should result to desirable changes to one(a)s thoughts and ideas and contributions to the community for nation-building and the enrichment of the global society as a whole. delinquent to this highly significant purpose of the teaching-learning process, the practice of teaching and the learning experiences should check up on that it fulfills what is tasked to do in terms of transferring knowledge and skills and motivating the drive to use knowledge purposefully and meaningfully. Sparkes recommendations address these needs and requirements for successful teaching and learning. Sparkes cover various considerat ions that academic and teaching professionals should consider.I believe that the presentation of the different considerations to the teaching-learning process will contribute to the development of pedagogy. Sparkes article is a precious resource material for understanding the complex nature of learning and the learners and the arriver to various teaching methods, strategies, approaches, techniques, and such that will fit every learning situation or environment appropriately.Learning to adjust pedagogy to the learning and situation, particularly the uniqueness of the learners, instead of vice versa, ensures that the teaching-learning process will result to what it intends to produce as outcomes for the benefit of the learners and society. Sparkes overall purpose for presenting his text was to instantaneously structure how the teaching-learning process should be designed, eliminating the trial-and-error process of applying various teaching methods, observing it, determining flaws, and redesigning it to diminish the errors or mistake in the method, and such.For Sparkes, doing so will leave behind many errors that will be catchy to reverse once it leaves its mark especially to learners. Sparkes is vitally concerned about redirecting the path of the teaching-learning process so as not to maintain the learning landscape as a ground for experiment since it would be detrimental to implement imperfect teaching procedures or methods as it will stir how learners are going to grasp concepts and learning materials.Therefore, Sparkes discussions are not only intended for the purpose of guiding the teaching-learning process, but also how educational goals and objectives and the curricula should be designed. Overall, Sparkes discussions presents an the need to overhaul the dimensions and structure of education and pedagogy to eliminate detrimental errors and flaws.
Computer: Helps or Affects the Learning Abilities Essay
A. IntroductionThe global technological and scientific stage fastenting today withstands the phenomenal rate of growth of in operateation technology. Every estate is concerned on the international trend on technology, pursuing studies to state their global competitiveness. While computer is at hand, and is a conclusive enjoin of attainment in science and technology it is a task to increase its place, primarily in attainment.Computers have made such an enormous disturb on our society today. There isnt a place where you stern turn into without computer. Computer, together with the connection to the Internet is such a expedient thing for college students. Computer is a programm open machine that can perform computations including many arithmetic trading operations or logic operations, without intervention by kind race operator during run. But then, computer is here not to replace human skills out rather to ease the burden of work and expand the learning horizon of studen ts. The two principal characteristics of a computer are it responds to a specific posit of instructions in a well-defined agency and it can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions (a program).B. Statement of the botherThe proponents observed the factors that may affect the learning capabilities of students. For that reason, the proponents would like to answer the pursuit questions1. Did computer inspection and repairs or affects the learning abilities of college students? 3. What are the positive and negative effect of computers that can affect the learning abilities of the students? 4. What are the impacts of such technological advancement to the learning process among students? 5. What actions did the parents do, geting that there are several advantages and disadvantages of use technologies that are intended to lessen the complex work of man?C. Objectives of the tuitionGenerally, this study aims to know how computer helps or affects the learning capabilities of the st udents. Specifically, this study aims1. receive what computers and Internet do to the studies of the college students. 2. Lessen the risks of computer misuse and to uphold the appropriate utilization of it. 3. Determine the positive and negative effects of computers. 4. Persuade the parents to set limitations and take actions on their children in using such technologies.D. Significance of the makeThis study leave alone considerably be significant to the students, proponents, parents and future researchers because this will help them to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the computers and this will in like manner help as a baseline data for the similar studies.This study will be fitted to help students identify factors that can affect their performance and on how to amend their knowledge and skills as college students by using such verbalise technologies without make problems with their studies. The proponents will be also benefited by this study because this will amend their abilities and expose them to different advantages and disadvantages of this so that they will be able to know how to handle or face such situation. For the parents, they will be able to know to what are the factors that affect or help their children and they will also identify what to limit or what to encourage to their children in using the give tongue to technological advancement inside or outside the academe. This will help the future researchers to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the computers and this will also help them as a baseline data for the similar studies.E. Scope and DelimitationThis study focuses on the harm or help done by the computer and Internet. The purpose of this study is to know how it affects or helps the students in their academic learning. The researchers considered working on this study to find out if the selected students were helped or affected by the say massive technological advancement and to guide them with the proper util ization of the said technology.E. Definition of TermsComputer. An electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals. Computer Software. Programs, procedures, rules and any associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system. E-mail. Message, typically text, sent via telephone lines and modems from one personal computer to another, or to a commercial network or E-mail serve well that stores the senders message until the addressee comes to get it. Information Technology. The acquisition, processing, storage and spreading of various types of information via computers and telecommunications.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Majority rule, minority rights
Through out(p) invoice, there has been an understanding amid the giving medication of state and its constituents. From the times where much(prenominal) philosophers as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke puke forth their respective theories of a state of nature and social contract, gentleman has been enthral guide with the separation of politics and the population it controlled. John Locke proposed that there has endlessly been a need for a social contract-that is an understanding between the government and the people for the sole reason of protection and organization. Even in the early days of the roughly adhesive Babylonian governments, the people strove for organization and protection of their property. Before that, according to Hobbies, the people of the being existed in what he called a state of nature.This state of nature existed before the population of an playing area realized the need for a structure and a steady track of life. They may have been fed up with the plunde ring of their land. Lock explains that the constituency gave up the rights to rape, murder, and steal in order for protection of property. With this action, the people put what they estimation to be an equal balance of power into the governments hands. The government, acting as a whole body, has seemed to, throughout time, make water advantage of the people that it represented. This paper lead attempt to show how this feeling of superiority that governments have purveyed through the history of the unify States.In 1894, there was a strike of Pullman Palace railcar factory workers outside of Chicago. These workers belonged to the American Railway Union. The union decided to jib to move trains with the Pullman Cars thus shutting down virtually all railways in and out of Chicago. This caused much strife between the workers and the government. This was the first time that the government had to get a federal court injunction to make the workers go back to work. (Miller 1996) The rea son that the government needed the injunction was because the Pullman workers were responsible for spot delivery. The workers ignored the injunction thus prompting President Cleveland to send US troops to quell the strike.This move worked and ended the strike. The government displayed its power against its people. It had to subscribe to between the rights of the union to strike and the need of the population to get its mail. in that respect were other incidents that have to a fault displayed these tensions of government choosing between majority overshadow and minority rights. (Strom 1990) There was, for instance, the Red Scare of 1919.Before the Russian Revolution, the citizens of the United States were able to believe in all political system they wanted. They were non just held to taking capitalism as the way to go. One such root word was a group that came to be known as the Wobbles. This group was a band of young, radical individuals who were basically fed up with American Federation of Labor. They felt that you were owned, so to speak, by your boss.Through the readings of Karl Marx, many were led to believe that Communism was the correct route for social and economic prosperity.When the Russian Revolution occurred in 1917, the United States passed a string of law of natures, both on the federal level and state level that prevented these Communist beliefs from seeping any further into the common American psyche. many another(prenominal) of the Wobblies were consequently arrested for nonsensical reasons. Many states opted to adopt laws that made the Wobblies illegal and forced it to go underground. Because of the national cow of the spread of any type of Communism, the government was forced to take thorough measures to stop any part of it from spreading. This is a clear example of how tensions grew out of the governments need to chose between majority rule, (in this show window the common citizen), and minority rights, (in this case the Wobblies) .There were other incidents that portrayed these tensions. One such incident macrocosm McCarthyism of the 1950s.In the mid 1940s, after the end of WWII, the United States and the other democracies of the world began moving apart from the new Russia. One reason for this was the Berlin Airlift where Russia divide off their part of the conquered Berlin, Germany and would not let any other consort in. This was the start of the cold war. The cold war was a fighting war. It was a war of the proverbial cold shoulder.In 1950, under growing popular pressure, the United States passed the Internal Security Act over President Trumans veto. This law required Communists and Communist Organizations to register with the US government. (Miller 1980) It called for deportation of Communist immigrants and forbid the immigration of anyone who had belonged to a Communist Party.Now persons who had once been a communist, had been associated with communists, or just were radical, were subjected to inte nse investigations both private and public. Many were fired from their jobs ascribable to this. Senator Joseph McCarthy conducted what he dubbed the Red Hunt which ultimately failed due to his lack of essay and his butchering of the truth.He had gone too far and was reprimanded by the sexual relation for actions that were not becoming of a senator. All of these actions taken by the government evoked not only its dislike for Communism but also how its ear was always open and adjusted for the majority. These poor people were not given a chance to live private lives and practice what they believed to be true.In conclusion, it has been shown, throughout the history of the United States, that the majority of many take precedence of the minority of the few. No matter whose views are correct and just, a persons views should not be suppressed and condemned by many. That person should also not have to go through the persecution and embarrassment of this shunning. Those who survived it are heroes.ReferencesMiller, N. 1980. A new Solution Set for Tournaments and Majority Voting Further Graph-Theoretical Approaches to the Theory of Voting. American Journal of Political Science 24.168-96Miller, N. 1996. Majority Rule and Minority Interests. In Shapiro, I. and Hardin, R. eds. PoliticalOrder Nomos XXXVIII. New York New York University mechanical pressStrom, K. 1990. Minority Government and Majority Rule. Cambridge Cambridge University Press
Friday, January 25, 2019
Creative writing – A Christmas to remember
For the first beat in her life, Catherine Benson go ab protrude the prospect of spending Christmas alone. With a mixture of fond thoughts of the ancient and the sadness, she recalled the Christmass of her childishness intelligent times full of love, laughter and family to postureherness. However, this year, her parents were spending Christmas with her brother, who was happily conjoin and with a family of his own. He lived In Wales. Of course, ever since college there had been Anthony. But in time cerebrateing the name now bought pain of sadness and loneliness. Anthony and Catherine had been inseparable. They has so many an(prenominal) plans for the future. Theyd shared dreams and so she thought, they shared lives. But that had all crumbled to dust in the last few months. The love she thought would last forever had failed to root the first major test of their relationship.Sighing, she draped the last piece of impart over the branches of her small shoetree and stepped back t o cast a circumstantial eye upon it. It barely seemed worth the effort just for herself. Some how the tree and the fireplace, served just now to make her situation seem little more worthwhile. If only she could get Anthony McBride out of her mind as effectively as he had removed himself from her life. But he crept into her thoughts at the most weirdest times and though it had been several hard painful weeks since they had split up, shed been unable to let go of her deep feelings for him, she couldnt ignore them.Were having a couple of superstars over for Christmas Eve. Catherine please judge youll come. Louise Andrews enticed at work the next day.New whizs and a new blood line had given her something to focus on after Anthony. But, unused to being atomic number 53, and lock in nursing her broken heart, Catherine had shied away from taking up a cordial life again.I dont know, Louise. She express answered cautiously.Come on. Her coadjutor replied joyfully. Its Christmas-the last of the cytosine Itll only be a small gathering I promise.Smiling, Catherine allowed herself to be persuaded. Perhaps Louise was right. With the millennium coming up, it was time to cast off the past and to look forward to the future with hope and new years resolutions. So on the night before Christmas, she found herself hovering anxiously outside the access of the flat that Louise shared with her fianc, Dominic. Very nervously she took a deep schnorkel and rang the doorbell.Catherine Im so glad you decided to come. Louise greeted her with a warm smile.These are for you Catherine hand over a bottle of wine and a big recession of chocolates. grubby its non very original.Theyre lovely Let me take your rise up and get you a drink, then I can introduce you to everyone.Catherine hesitated in the doorway of the nicely decorated living room. Soft relaxing euphony played in the background, and half a dozen people stood in small groups, chatting and laughing.Youll soon relax an d find everyone authentically adorerly. Dominic has invited a friend from the gym. Hell be feeling just as nervous as you, severe to get back into the swing of things as a single person after the break up of a long-term relationship.Now I hope youre non matchmaking. Catherine protested with an anxious smile.Maybe just a bit. Louise teased. Dominic says his friend is funny, generous and compassionate, and if hes half as good looking as Ive been travel by to believe, youll be thanking me before the evening is over.Catherine doubted it, solely she held her tongue. Slipping her wine, she curbed the sudden sense to run. She had to face some people some time.I thought youd ducked out on me. Dominic greeted his guest when the door opened.I did wonder about coming, only I knew if I didnt I would never hear the end of it. Sorry if Im late.Thats okay. Its only a buffet supper and we pretendnt started yet. Come and dally the others, what will you learn to drink?Beer if you have it, thank. He replied.Stepping intensively inside the flat. Anthony asked himself for the hundredth time what he was doing here. Parties werent his thing hed tended to shy away from social gatherings of any benign in the last few weeks, turning himself into work and sport instead. side by side(p) Dominic into the kitchen, he leaned on the counter and watched as his friend poured the drinks.Louise has bought a friend from the bank I think you should meet. Dominic give tongue to cautiously.Anthonys heart sank.I dont deprivation to meet anyone, not like that anyway.Shes lovely Anthony, shes been excruciation badly herself, so she knows how difficult it is to take the plunge and meet new people. Give her a accident shes funny and intelligent. Youll like her.Strongly wishing he hadnt come, merely unable to walk of life away, Anthony followed his friend through to the other room. The sound of the spry conversation daunted on him for a moment, and he hesitated on the threshold. As soo n as he entered the room, a tingle of awareness caught him by surprise. He scanned the room, and then he saw her. Catherine. His breath caught in his throat. Suddenly, it was as if the last painful, lonely weeks had been stripped away. She was here, in the same room, looking as lovely as ever, only if unapproachable and out of his reach. Before he could retreat, Catherine turned and saw him. Shock registered on her face. His mouth tightened, just as she had been shutting him out in the last few weeks theyd been together.Come and meet Carolyn Dominic suggested.No..I..His friend brushed his protest aside.She was very broken up over the split with her fianc. But she told Louise that he just never listened to her. Dominic confided quietly.Catherine had said that? Stunned, Anthony didnt resist as Dominic steered him across the room.Catherine couldnt believe that Anthony was here. What a disaster. unless the snoop of him had brought back all the pain and heartache and it had taken only a second to confirm her worst fears. Despite everything, she still loved him.Thats the friend of Dominics I was telling you about. Louise whispered, pushing her forward.They met in the middle of the room. If it hadnt have been so embarrassing it would have been funny. But she was too hurt, too shocked to laugh. And it was decease that Louise and Dominic had no idea what was happening.Well leave you to get to know each other. Louise smiled.You have so much in common. Dominic said innocently.Louise and Dominic sneaked off quietly.I didnt think I would ever see you again. Catherine managed to say after a strain moment.How have you been? Anthony said awkwardly.Not good. She admitted. You?The same.Anthony absorbed everything about her, every single feature of her was the same, except the fact that she was thinner and her complexion had lost the happy healthy glow that it was had.Did you really say that I never listened to you? Dominic enquired.She nodded, her work force nervously fid dling in front of her.Well you thought that I didnt need you anymore. Catherine replied.You shut me outNo I never, you werent interested you were perpetually so take with work, you never had time for me. You never took time to really listen to me, not like used to.Anthony took a step back, think all the silly quarrels that had taken their toll on their relationship. Catherine corroborated that uncomplete of them had listened to each other. Everyone regrouped to enjoy the buffet supper.Neither of them ate anything, they were too busy thinking about what they had said to each other. And what now, did he still bearing for her as she cared for him?She met his gaze across the room. How could she loved him so much and not realize how he was feeling? Was there a aspect they could get back together, could he forgive her?Anthony tried to mix with the other guests, but he couldnt stop thinking about Catherine. Could she forgive him for all the hurt and pain he had caused her? The weeks without her had been dreadful, and seeing her again had only made him realize how much he really needed her. Was it too late?At last the gathering broke up. Anthony said goodbye and left the flat, but instead of going straight home, he waited outside for Catherine to appear.Thank you for this evening. Catherine murmured. She slipped on her coat and left. As she was leaving the expression she matte up disappointed that Anthony had left and nothing happened between them.A figure emerged from the shadows as she left the building and stepped onto the pavement.Oh. She gasped. I thought you had gone. She said. Relieved with the fact the he had waited for her.Can I walk you home? Anthony asked.Thank you Id like that.They walked side by side. Catherine felt nervous, uncertain what to say, but scared if she said nothing at all. Just being near her made him feel better.He didnt want this chance to slip, but could he find the right words to say? They began to walk slower and slower and gra dually they came to a halt, where they turned to each other.Im sorry. They said in harmony along with a nervous smile.Anthony reached out a tentative hand to take one of hers.Ive missed you, Catherine. He whispered.Ive been so miserable without you. She replied.Very slowly they drew together and hugged.We havent been very clever. They agree with each other.Will you take me back, give me a second chance? Anthony questioned.Only if you will. Look its snowing.Across the road the church bell struck midnight. Christmas day.Shall we go in? Anthony asked.Yes please, we have so much to give thanks for. She agreed.Behind them another couple strolled slowly towards the church.Theyll be alright now. Louise enunciate with satisfaction.Shall we tell them we knew all along? Dominic asked.Maybe one day, but not just yet.Squeezing her hand as they walked up the steps, Dominic knew he was equally lucky in the love that he had.Happy Christmas, Louise
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Discussion Questions for Operational Management
countersign Questions for OM 5016 mannequin 2 Ch 1 &0382. Operations Management origination and Strategy 1. What is Operations Management? What be major OM decisions? 2. What ar the trace differences among goods and usefulnesss? 3. What a role does cropivity play? How to taproom productivity and what challenges do we have in measuring and improving productivity? 4. What is flush and strategy? How important is it for an organization to develop a mission and strategy? 5. What is OM strategy? How can trading operations management help a company achieve private-enterprise(a) advantages? 6.What is SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis? beneath what circumstances do you think should we conduct SWOT analysis? Class 3 Southwest Airlines 1. Why has Southwest Airlines been so successful? 2. What recommendations would you give way around the issues raised on pages 13 15 of the case? 3. What ar the implications for Southwest of the actual or threatened ba nkruptcies of other major U. S. airway? Class 4 Ch 05. Product and Service Design 1. Why do companies conduct to continuously develop new products? How to generate new ideas? 2. What factors should be considered in product increase?Describe the typical phases of product development and evaluate their relative importance. 3. What is the role of fictional character function deployment (QFD)? How is look of nursing home usageing in product development? 4. Describe the primary(prenominal) techniques utilise in aiming products. Give some real world examples. What strategic advantages do techniques provide? 5. Describe the documents used to define and produce a product? How argon they important and necessary? 6. Describe four organisational approaches to product development. What pros and cons do they have? 7. What atomic number 18 the key differences amidst product design and service design? 8.What an relate does environmental friendly design have on product development? How do you address conflicts amid ethical design and company profitability? Class 6 Discussion questions for IDEO If you have interest, watch the video on Youtube the Deep Dive Q1. How would you remember IDEOs design abut, organization, culture and management? Q2. Should IDEO accept the Visor abide as is (on a dramatically slimd schedule)? Should they try to persuade Handsprings management to change its aggressive launch schedule? Or should they merely decline the rove? Please consider both the IDEO and Handspring perspectives.Class 7 butt and Layout Strategy 1. What attend to strategies does an organization usually use? What key factors does a company consider in choosing its process strategy? What are the competitive advantages a firm (producing goods or service) has by using different process strategy? 2. What is mass customization? What major factors contribute to the success of mass customization? 3. How to learn and design a process by using different overlyls? 4. What process strategies should be used for service? What are the key differences between a service process and a product process? How to improve the service process? . What layout strategies can a company use? What are the main characteristics and concerns of these strategies? 6. What are the familys between process and layout? Class 8 Mass Gen infirmary Q1. What are primary challenges in improving operating processes in a health care environment such as that of MGH? Why involve CABG for care path? Q2. What implementation approach would you recommend for Bohmer and Torchiana? Be specific as to where you would start, what resources you would bring to bear, what performance you would expect, and what timeline you would hope to follow.What would you recommend MGH to do for its longer-term process improvement? Q3. How should MGH balance the tension between process standardisation and process customization? What are the hazards of standardizing the process too rigorously? What are the dan gers of allowing too much freedom to customize? Class 9 Capacity prep and Location 1. What is capacity decision about? Why is it important? 2. descry between design capacity and lay outive capacity, between utilization and efficiency. 3. What factors should be considered in determining the capacity? 4. What approaches are used and when to use them to dramatise the capacity? . Describe approaches used to determine the capacity. (You do not need to know how to estimate, but have to know the idea and assumptions of the approaches) 6. What are the intentions, criteria and factors does a company consider in choosing a posture? What are the trends of location decision? 7. Describe techniques used for location decision and identify the situations and assumptions under which these techniques should be applied. Class 10 Questions for Alden 1. Looking back, do you agree with the logical brass that led API in 1962 to consolidate its European drudgery into a virtuoso facility? 2.What is your evaluation of the Uniplants performance during the 1980s? 3. What recommendations would you make to Mr. Genet, API-Europes Executive VP, as regards the operations strategy his organization should follow in the future? Specifically, which option should it take, where should it be located, and how should it be managed? Class 12 Questions for publish Chain Management (SCM) 1. What is a supply arrange? What are the differences between SCM and OM? Describe the various stages in the supply cosmic string and the different flows involved. 2. What is the goal and main decisions of supply chain? 3.What is your evaluation between single provider and multiple suppliers? 4. What is push/pull view of a supply chain? What product characteristics influence the choice of push/pull SC?? 5. What is bullwhip effect? Why does it happen and how to reduce this effect? 6. What is an integrated supply chain? What are the key challenges and how to make it a success? Class 13 Discussion questions for Crocs 1. What are Crocs core competencies? 2. How do they exploit these competencies in the future? Consider the following alternatives a. Further vertical integration into materials. b. emersion by acquisition. c.Growth by product extension 3. To what stagecoach do the alternatives in question 2 fit the companys core competencies, and to what degree do they defocus the company away from its core competencies? Class 14 scrolling Management 1. What is lineage? What types of inventory are there? What are the major causes of inventory? 2. What is the purpose of ABC classification system and how is it working? 3. What types of be associated with an inventory system? What are the objectives and key decisions of inventory management? 4. What are the assumptions and objective of EOQ model? Are these assumptions reasonable? . What are the major differences between EOQ and production order quantity (POQ) model? Why is the production inventory quantity larger than the economic order quantity, given other things be? 6. What is safety stock? What does safety stock provide safety against? How to calculate safety stock based on the required service level? 7. How to determine inventory size when there is uncertainty with demand/ play time? 8. What are the main challenges in inventory management, in your flavour? Class 15 Sport Obermeyer 1. What challenges does Sport Obermeyer have in production be after with uncertain demand? . What are your recommendations for production planning earlier to and after observing the Las Vegas show? 3. What operational changes would you recommend to Wally to reduce markdown and stockout cost? 4. What are your views on sourcing from Hong Kong versus China? Class 16 Aggregate planning and ERP 1. What is center planning and what congeries means? 2. What are the strategic objectives of aggregate planning? Which one of these is most often addressed by the quantitative techniques of aggregate planning? 3. What strategies are used in developing a plan?What options are available for to each one strategy and what are the pros and cons of each option? 4. How does aggregate planning in service differ from aggregate planning in manufacturing? What is yield management and where are they implemented? 5. What is the kin between the aggregate planning and the master production schedule (MPS)? What is the relationship between MPS and material requirements planning (MRP)? How to develop a MRP? 6. How does MRP, as an approach to inventory management, differ from the approach taken in the chapter scrutinize Management, dealing with economic order quantities? 7.What is ERP and what benefits and disadvantages of ERP have? Class 17 lake herring Systems 1. At the end of the case, Pete Solvik has a number of questions. Please think about these questions, and be prepared to give your answers What factors had contributed to the success of the ERP implementation? What obstacles did Cisco get the best for the ERP project? How? W here had the EPR team been smart? Where had the ERP team been just plain roaring? Do you think that the ERP project a complete success? Do you think that the Cisco team could do such a project again if they had to? Why? Why not? 2. How important is the ERP to the overall architecture?Do you see the ERP component as something that will be undertaken by some, most or all companies as they build their Information senesce IT architectures? Class 18 Just-in-Time (JIT) 1. What is JIT, the Toyota Production System (TPS) and lean operations? What are the underlying philosophies? 2. Does JIT mean zero inventory? How to use EOQ and POQ models in inventory management to determine the lot size in a JIT system? 3. What are the differences between JIT and customization? 4. What are the characteristics of JIT partnerships with respect to suppliers? 5. How can layout help a company achieve JIT? How are JIT and quality related? . What is level computer programing? Discuss how the Japanese word f or card has been applied in the learning of JIT. 7. JIT attempts to remove delays that do not add value. How does JIT cope with weather and its impact on crop harvest and transportation times? 8. Does lean techniques work for service industry, such as a restaurant? If so, how? Class 19 Toyota Motor Manufacturing 1. What are the possible causes of the shtup fuss? What is the real problem facing Doug Friesen? 2. What are the key elements of TPS? Where, if at all, does the current routine for discourse defective seats differ from the principles of TPS? . As Doug Friesen, what would you do to address the seat problem? Where would you focus your attention and solution efforts? Class 20 Quality and TQM 1. What is quality? What factors are used to determine quality for goods and services? 2. What are cost of quality? How can improving quality reduce costs? 3. What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? What concepts are used to implement an stiff TQM program? Explain them. How are they re lated to Demings 14 points? 4. What are seven tools of TQM? What are their purposes and when to use them? 5. How does fear in the workplace moderate learning? . Philip Crosby said that quality is free. What does it mean and why? 7. What roles do operations managers play in addressing the major aspects of service quality? 8. Good quality products last a long time, which in turn may reduce the sales of the product and thus the profit. How do you explain this? Class 21 Ritz-Carlton 1. What is the essence of the Ritz-Carlton experience? What is the Ritz-Carlton selling? 2. How does Ritz-Carlton create Ladies and Gentlemen in only 7 days? 3. Should McBride lengthen the 7 Day Countdown? Any other alternatives?
Organizatinal Commitment and Communication Paper
Organizational Commitment and Communication Starbucks is move to displaying steer, precedent, and penury within its scheme. Howard Schultz the owner of Starbucks has worked hard to develop a beneficial architectural plan that would draw cover charge people who were eager to work for Starbucks while displaying an deed of conveyance of commitment to excellence.This analysis will explain how contrary leadership styles would sham group communication in your chosen composition analyze the different sources of power erect in the organization and how might the different sources of power affect group and organization communication, identify the motivational theories that would be good within that shade, evaluate the role of communication as an element of these theories, and run the commitment of the workforce to the organization and their relationship to the organizations communication.The leadership styles, power tactic, form of motivation and level of commitment all ren t a significant impact on the development of an organization. The way in which leaders communicate these methods plays a key role in the advantage of an organization (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Starbucks success is due to its colossal degree of it leaders and employees and their communication with each other and with its guests. The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz is loven for having a attractive leadership style.Charismatic leaders tend to be more effective in his or her leadership style because these leaders inspire lots of fervor in their teams and are very energetic in driving others onwards (Mind Tools 1996). Possessing the Charismatic Leadership style, CEO Howard Schultz has enabled Starbucks to be one of the leading java retailers by being affiliated to communicate with its employees and create a honour and honest relationship. The transformational leadership style has many similarities to the charismatic style.Transformational leaders propose a great deal, seek high expectations, promote trust, and give personal charge to the employees. Transformational leaders focus on setting goals and articulating those goals to the employees, instilling commitment to the vision and creating mutual trust (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Starbucks known success is due to its partners know as its employees and its customers. That is why the transformational leadership style is recognized at Starbucks because of their create business processes and the power tactic used that ensure organizational culture of the caller-up.Power refers to a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B drunkard that B acts in accordance with As wishes (Robbins & Judge, 2007). at that place are different sources of power utilized by Starbuck which are safe and reward power. Expert power is influence wielded as a import of expertise, special skill, or knowledge (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz stands behind its organization and upholds its repu tation for the finest coffee in the world and that is why it is one of the leading companies in the coffee industry.Collective efforts are amplified by its legendary customer armed service and highest integrity. Reward power is compliance achieved establish on the ability to break up rewards that others views are valuable (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Starbucks is about providing snuff it quality customer service which stems from its employees (partners). Starbucks is about compensateing each other with respect and dignity and when employees dumb demonstrate to the rules and regulations that go to show the type of employees Starbucks hires.Starbucks encourages its employees feedback and offers incentives to its employees which motivate the employees of Starbucks to display top quality customer service that matters to the public. The level of power is evident in Starbucks through its open communication with its manager, employees, and customers. Starbucks has exemplified a busines s out of people connection through community involvement and various cultures. Starbucks organization is a prime example of a people-oriented business motivated to be the top selling business in its industry.Many of Starbucks motivational approaches can be found in the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Starbucks approach to motivate its employees are based on the fundamentals of Starbucks providing its employee a prestigious work environment, treating everyone with respect and dignity, with equality, and challenge each other to excel at the best of his or her abilities. Starbucks company culture which focuses on respect, integrity, and communication encourages open line of communication with a clear understanding of positive and negative actions.Starbucks workplace environment focuses on how they treat one another, how customers are treated, diversity, workplace health, safety, and security, and Starbucks quality and customer protection. Starbucks is committed to excellence and displayin g legendary customer service which is top priority at Starbucks. Starbucks employee workforce manages and maintains a high level of expertise and treats its customers as they treat each other, with respect and dignity.Starbucks also has an obligation to ensure that Starbucks is a great place to work for all partners. Starbucks atmosphere is motivated by accost each customer that walks through the door. To obtain this type of environment stems from the leadership roles in place and the drive to extend at its best behavior. Starbucks is committed to developing innovative and flexible change. Each employee is empowered, down a responsibility, have helped, and have a voice at Starbucks. It is about unity at Starbucks and its communication skills are critically important.In conclusion This analysis explained how different leadership styles would affect group communication analyzed the different sources of power found and how might the different sources of power affect group and organi zation communication, determine the motivational theories that would be effective within that culture, evaluated the role of communication as an element of thee theories, and described the commitment of the workforce to the organization and their relationship to the organizations communication. In order for Starbucks to remain competitive its workforce has to remain empowered
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Futility Case
bollix Chris was born at 23 weeks gestational age (40 weeks gestation is full-term) and weighs yet about 1. 2 pounds. Because of extreme prematurity and extremely humiliated birth weight, this sister has less than a 10% chance of surviving. Even if the baby survives, the likelihood of very serious physical and developmental damage (cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairments, respiratory impairments, and other capers) is very high. (In one recent study, ALL of the infants who survived long exuberant to be discharged from intensive c ar had significant long-term damage.) Treatment, that is, treatments, would be invading, painful, and would push over a long period of time. It is really so sad that a newborn baby would begin his sprightliness under such very difficult circumstances. What is worse is that the treatments that would supposedly save him would kind of condemn him into the most compromised human beings attainable. Instead of living the normal, c arfree existen ce of a child, Chris would defend a life that is forever associated with pain, medicaments, surgeries, and rehabilitation.Not even an cock-a-hoop can handle such a distressing way of life. still the doctors of Chris cannot just refrain from giving him treatments. They are doctors, after all, and it is their duty to recruit the swan. Even the hospital policy and the courts would certainly agree with them. Furthermore, it is the right of the sick to receive treatment that would cure him or her of his ailment. Does this mean that the physicians of Chris can intimately turn him into a human guinea pig?While a doctor has an obligation to cure the ailing, the welfare of his or her patient of essential always be prioritized above this duty (Cohen-Kohler and Illingworth 366). In the context of the cognitive content of the limits of medicine, the concept of patient welfare is synonymous to the rights to informed consent and to deplete a say on the treatment plan that the doctor dev ised. just now put, any steps that a physician lead take to continue or withhold treatment must be fully explained to the patient beforehand and carried out with his or her consent.Furthermore, the wishes of the patient must be taken into consideration. However, because Chris is a newborn baby (making him a minor in the look of the law), it is his parents who should behave the final decisions on a treatment plan for him. In both the legal and the mixer perspectives, the parents are considered as the primary custodians of their children (Maccoby and Mnookin 282). Unless it has been be that they are incapable of carrying out their responsibilities as parents, it is they who are supposed to limit for their minor children.It is permissible to make Chris comfortable but not initiate treatments that would prolong his life. It must be remembered that because he is premature and has very low birth weight, his excerption rate it less than 10%. Should Chris survive, he will spend hi s entire life battling serious health conditions such as cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairments, and respiratory impairments. Furthermore, the treatments that will be administered in direct to prolong his life are invasive and painful and would last indefinitely.The problem with many doctors is that in their excessive zeal to carry out their duty, they overcome the concept of human life to biological normality (Stark 6). Their idea of a cured patient is someone who is biologically a kick the bucket and is free of complaint, neer mind if the treatments that are given to him or to her severely reduce the tone of voice of his or her life. Medicine should not be limited to the elimination of sickness or the treatment of an injury. Rather, medicine must treat illness and/or injury with the goal of restoring the overall health and functionality of a person.As the World health Organization (WHO) puts it, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (qtd. in Furber 192). Under the present circumstances, therefore, it is not permissible to do everything possible to save Chris life. Even the most radical treatments would save him completely in the sense that he would be kept biologically alive. These would not alto deposither spare Chris from the debilitating effects of cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairments, and respiratory impairments.Worse, these treatments would make him suffer even more pain. Subjecting Chris to more treatments defeats the very purpose of medicine restoring people to their fullest functionality by curing them of their disease and or injury. How can Chris live the life of a normal child if he cannot even get out of bed without machines attached to him? How can he and his parents enjoy life as a family if he constantly has to undergo painful and invasive long-term treatments? What is the point of keeping Chris alive if he will just spend the rest of li fe in illness and pain?putt him on aggressive lifesaving treatment would merely worsen the situation. To begin with, his chances of survival are only less than 10%. Should Chris live, he will rest a host of complications that would most likely end in death. He could likewise die while undergoing treatments the human body can only take so much pain, medicines, surgeries, and rehabilitation. Simply put, with or without treatments, Chris is likely to go for at any moment. By putting him on aggressive lifesaving treatments, his doctors are giving his parents false hopes.Instead of enabling them to prepare themselves for the impending death of their son, they are making them hold on to futile case. Babies are human beings and therefore, they in like manner have the right to live and die with dignity. Doctors do not have the right to withhold this from them simply because they do not have the electrical condenser to decide for themselves and/or because of a misplaced idea of what med icine should accomplish. kit and caboodle Cited Cohen-Kohler, Jillian Clare and Patricia Illingworth. Access to Medicine and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility The take aim to Craft a Global Pharmaceutical Systemwith Integrity. The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics Eds. Peter A. singer and Adrian M. Viens. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2008. 359-368. Furber, Christine. Promoting Health to Men. Mens Health An Introduction for Nurses and Health Professionals. Eds. Tony Harrison and Karen Dignan. capital of the United Kingdom Harcourt Brace and Company Limited, 1999. 191-210. Maccoby, Eleanor E. and Robert H. Mnookin. Dividing the Child Social and Legal Dilemmas of Custody. 3rd ed. Cambridge, mamma Harvard University Press, 1992. Stark, Andrew. The Limits of Medicine. New York, New York Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Paul and Women Essay
The power of women during the early Christian generation has always been contested. Until the present era, despite the increasing and growing advocacy for women rights and equality of sexual urge, there are still a lot of issues and controversies regarding the matter. In the Gospel of capital of Minnesota, written in the bibles New Testament, the role of women in the society has been both emancipated and questioned. In Romans 161-7, capital of Minnesota has affirmed the ministry of women by accepting the role of women as servants of the church. In concomitant to this, Paul has placed women in equal footing to men by mentioning Priscilla, wife of Aquila, for her high status.In the same verses as well, Paul overly mentioned fellow female apostles, thus showing that women have been allowed to take their just places in the society during the early times (Keener, 2008). Moreover, in Galatians 326-28, Paul totally eliminated the distinction between men and women, along with removing the barriers between Jews and Greeks and slaves and bump men (Zeolla, 2006). Through these verses, Paul has regarded women as mens equal. On the former(a) hand, in 1 Corinthians 112-15, the covering of womens breaker point rather put a different emphasis on gender roles and equality.In these passages, a woman is pertained to as a glory of man. And thus, she must cover her hair in order to prevent lustful intentions from other men. Insubordination from this rule renders a woman as an adulteress and everlasting(a) (Keener, 2008). Despite the contradictions presented in the Corinthians verse, Paul has advocated for equality between men and women. though the covering of womens head has been treated as a mode of womens succumbing to mens rule, the passages stated in Corinthians were explained as promoter in protecting the chastity and reputation of women in public.
Monday, January 14, 2019
My Favorite Manager Essay
I fetched in Strategic Centre, Consumer support go and global solution centre. I was hired as an front preeminence operative and got promoted to Tech Lead role over time. When I was a trainer, my manager was Navin Kumar. Before put to working at HP, I used to work with Convergys. I was a front end operative at separately of the other assembly lines before HP. Navin Kumar was my favorite because he had a relaxed mentality to the job but held accountability for actions.He each(prenominal)owed me and the other Trainers to have a give voice when running the Training module. He had the final say on all ideas but was open for input to make better the function of the Trainers efficiency. He was genuinely personable and did not have the typical manager attitude. If I did my work when he wanted it completed and it was up to his train of quality his kin was more similar to that of friends than a manager. If you failed to get together his expectations then he came overmatch on me with a very strong force.He was not a typical manager in that sense. He set lofty expectations because he wanted me to succeed at a high level preferably of setting low goals and just settling for an easy way out. He would set weekly goals and would reward the highest trainer efficiency scores that was internally maintained by HP Training team. This was motivation to test gentility methods and try to beat out my co-workers. He also had a level of respect for each of his employees that I never received at unrivaled of my other jobs.At HP everyone had the same level of expectations and if you did not meet them, Navin would work with that person to build up their quality of work or they would be mentored more rigorously with a clear performance benefit plan for not meeting expectations. I respected him more for beingness open to criticism. He would allow his trainers and senior trainers to critique him and help him improve his work quality. If I could work for Navin Kumar again I would immediately
Theories of a Leader
This essay will approach types of world power much(prenominal)(prenominal) as to utilize and influence others, to either reward or punish, to nurture by role of an organization, and to identify with a draw such as rock or film personality. This essay will cover half dozen categories of power and these interlink with each other and brings a better counselling on theories of power. The functions of drawing cardship atomic number 18 humanityy and varied, depending upon the basic problem with a group must deal with, and the type of attractership style in action, which is dependent on the leaders buns of power.Power, in the case of leadership, is divided into six categories, however, each corporation be linked with another, as they atomic number 18 inter-related. Expert and Informational power atomic number 18 concerned with skills, knowledge and information, of which the holders of such abilities, are able to utilize, to influence others ie technicians and computer perso nnel. Reward and Coercive power, take issue from the previously menti mavend, as they involve the ability to either reward or punish persons being influenced, in order to gain compliance.Legitimate power, is power which has been confirmed by the very role social organization of the group or organization itself, and is accepted by all as correct and without dispute, such as in the case of the armed forces or the police force. denotative power, on the other hand, involves those being influenced, identifying with the leader, ie. rock or film personalities victimisation their image to enter the political arena. Most leaders make use up of a combination of these six types of power, depending on the leadership style used. bossy leaders, for ex angstromle, use a mixture of legitimate, coercive and reward powers, to dictate the policies, plans and activities of a group. In comparison, a democratic or participative leader would use in world(a) referent power, involving all members of the group in the decision-making process. In my inquiry I have found that by the use of meta-analysis uncovers an approach beyond the general focus of theories of leadership. notwithstanding within the central study of the term opening, I explore this article to expand this essay in more detail. fit to Hunter and Hirsh (1987), most discoveries and advances in cumulative knowledge are no longer being made by those who conduct primary research studies, just by those who use meta-analysis to uncover the latent meaning of quick literature. In addition, meta-analysis bears the empirical building blocks for theory since results derived from such analyses indicate what needs to be explained by theory.Although meta-analysis has been criticized for not directly generating theory (Guzzo, Jackson &mKatzell, 1987), the results of meta-analyses are indispensable for theory construction, keeping in mind that theory development is a creative process distinct from cumulating results c rossways studies. Nevertheless, at that place is no reason that meta-analysis cannot deal with theory and explanation as comfortably as with description. In fact, efforts sponsored by the Russell salvia Foundations meta-analysis project are intentional to move meta-analytic techniques beyond the descriptive into the theory development domain (Russell Sage Foundation, 1991).Leadership itself, has been accompanied throughout time, by numerous theories, all claiming to respond the question, Are leaders born(p) or made? Those who accept the verdict, that leaders are born and not made, maintain, that there are certain inhering qualities such as initiative, courage, news show and humour, which altogether pre-destine a man to be a leader the essential pattern is given at give birth (Adler, 1991, p. 4)Two leadership theories which concentrate on this point, are the Great man/ gravid woman and theTrait theories. The smashing man/ not bad(p) woman theory, hence to Wrightsman, inv olves its partners believing that major events, both nationally and internationally, are influenced by those persons in power. A sudden act by a great man could, according to this theory, change the fate of the nation (Wrightsman, 1977, p. 638) The distinction theory expands further on this conjecture, by concentrating on the personal characteristics of the leader.The theory, which until the mid-1940s formed the basis of most leadership research, cited traits believed to be characteristic of leaders, the list of which grew in space over the years, to include all manner of physical, personality and cognitive factors, including height, intelligence and communication skills. However, few traits emerged to conclusively differentiate leaders from non-leaders. The traits an individual has may, subjoin the probability that a person will become a leader, though whether such leadership is guaranteed, is uncertain.Nevertheless, it can be seen to be true that close to flock are more li kely than others to assume leadership positions. The research on trait theories of leadership has shown that many other factors are burning(prenominal) in determining leader success, and that not every unrivaled who possesses these traits will be a leader (Adler, 1991, p. 267) As interest in the trait approach to leadership declined, researchers focused their attention on the leaders actions kind of than their attri thates, which led to the emergence of the behaviouristic theories.The most widely publicized exponent of this approach was Robert Blake and Jane Moutons Managerial Grid, which try to explain that there was one best style of leadership, by non-homogeneous combinations of two factors regarding a concern for production and people. Due to the disillusionment with the fore-mentioned trait theory, the sideal approach suggested that the traits required of a leader differed, according to varying situations.The situational approach, which predominated in the 1950s, held that whether a given person became a leader of a group, had zip to do with his/her personality, but had everything to do with such factors as the flow of events and heap surrounding a group. To put it simply, the leader was a person who was in the right place at the right time. Rather than a great man causing a great event to happen, the situational approach claims that great events are the product of historical forces that are gong to happen hether peculiar(prenominal) leaders are present or not (Adair, 1984, p. 8)Unfortunately, this theory withal didnt answer, why one member of a group emerged as the leader, rather than another, or why one particular leader proved to be a better leader in some situations than another. The emergence of a related theory, the interactionist approach, attempted to explain the existing anomalies. The interactionist theory proposed that both the characteristics of the individual, and the situation in which the group found itself, accounted for whom wou ld become the leader.Resulting from this theory, was the view that leaders are both born and made, due to the leader requiring certain abilities and skill, but as the situation and the needs of the group changed, so to the person acceptable as leader changed. Developing such abilities and skills requires no position of authority but does require commitment to self, commitment to the organization and its employees, action, and thoughtful, on-going self-assessment. Such a syllabus of personal development, ideally begun as a part of the formal teaching process, can assist significantly in learning how to influence others, up, down, and across the organization.Thus, one can learn how to become what Cohen (1990) has called an uncrowned leader, a person who exerts influence over others but lacks positional authority. It takes many hours of research to provide a strong research paper however this essay touches exactly the surface. The functions of a Leader are many and varied. Its hard to say the one theory is better than the other because as my research shows, it takes more than one approach to accomplish a task with overall proficiency. From upper focusing to the first line supervisor, each situation, each environment, and each group of people requires a different approach.In some circumstances a leader is considered to be a leader only if he/she knows the organizational structure well and knows how to execute a plan. By reviewing the theories of the previously mentioned theories, the term leader doesnt necessarily mean he/she is a leader. Therefore a leader can have more than one meaning and the theories of leadership may need to be more refined. However this essay focuses more on the standard process of identification of a leader and the theories that identify such. If a leader is trainable to understand that different approaches are needed for different situations, then a leader can succeed.However if a born leader hasnt had the exposure to an array of situa tions, then he/she will not be effective. It stands to reason regarding a leader is born is that a leader may be born but if that person isnt exposed to an array to various situations and factors, then that born leader will become a failure. However I agree a leader may be born and a follower is a follower but a follower can influence other followers especially if that person has personal magnetism such as wiser experience, cultured education, and mature personality.So a leader may be born but a follower by my own experience Ive seen followers who are leaders and assist leaders to perform their best. Therefore sometimes a leader and follower can complement each other thus strengthening the environment and or situation. Therefore my own observations show that there are ranks of leaders and ranks of followers. separately side of the line can have leadership. Theories are many but now that we have all these theories, it may appear that we need more research to better recognize the l eaders not recognized by the standard approach.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Langston Hughes: 3 Poems Essay
Expression of racial primp is a concept that has surfaced by dint of history sort of oft. Due to the nature of colonialism, slavery and it effects, the root of racial pride under pressure, with concourse creating their induce racial identity inside a varied cultural setting, is frequently one of alienation and loneliness. During the critical eras much(prenominal) as the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement, we escort the work and effort of many of the gravid African-American writers the like Langston Hughes, whose work often covered the topics of racial pride and the phone call against racism and in howeverice. We pull up stakes look at three of his numberss which reflect a different aspect of the historical African-American situation. motion for English BThis is a poetry that explores the time when Langston Hughes was in college, and had to write close to any involvement that came from the heart. In dependable style, searching in his soul, the poet fin ds an expression that reflects circumstances and perceptions that focus on the self, and existence as an African-American. Hughes runs through such normal activities such as release home and listing what he likes and what he wants. He raises an interesting crux thereforeI guess being drear doesnt m early(a) me not likethe same thing other sept like who be other extends.So ordain my page be dingy that I write?Being me, it will not be washcloth.But it will bea part of you, instructor.You are white (25-31)This is an interesting statement in that it draws the distinction between being white and being obscure, a persistent bang that crops up often in racially oriented writing. It reflects on the instructor of the correct being white and instructing a colored man. Although there is no real record to support a cause for subway system or defiance to this, the fact stiff implied that Hughes makes this distinction, but without promoting resentment, states that he likes what other ethnic music like who are other races (26). The lines that review reserves the honorable to have pride in being colored, without submitting to wanting to be what like other races. Hughes cements this notion in lines 32-38, stating a communal, patriotic element of cooperation only a part of me, as I am a part of you.Thats American.Some clock perhaps you dont want to be part of me.Nor do I often want to be part of you.But we are, thats trueAs I learn from you,I guess you learn from me Afro-American break apartThis poem lifts from a period of Hughes aliveness that explored the judgment of Africans displaced from the African continent. He in effect simulates a sense of hanker by drawing from the idea of an unexplained feeling, of songs that come from far-off away. He advances the idea that Africa leaves its stamp even long after the tribe have been moved from there, cementing the echo hence with three lines (1-3, 21-23)So long.So far awayIs Africa.Another interesting t hing that he recalls here is the last line, 24, that expresses his contact or kinship with Africa, even after all the time separated inconsolable face. Hughes promotes the idea here that, although the African-Americans find themselves becoming culturally part of American lodge in some form or another, the call of Africa had imprinted itself on all the African-Americans who could identify their history to the dark continent, leaving an steadfast effect. commonwealthWith this poem we find Hughes counselling on the shopping centre of democracy, of the system that is supposed(a) to uphold the independence and individual rights of all(prenominal) human being, irrespective of skin color. This poem draws strongly on the period of American history demarcated by the Civil Rights Movement, and Hughes is kinda firm in his sympathetic beliefs here, stating rights mates to that of any other human being. This is denotative most clearly in lines 5-9I have as much rightAs the other f ellow hasTo hold upOn my two feetAnd own the land.The essence of land can be compared to the idea of African-Americans having been displaced, taken from their past and their homes. Equal rights would think that African-Americans would also be able to own land in America and so become part of American familiarity be part of the collective whole, just as every other American is, regardless of skin color or race. The urge to compel their rights, and the struggle that would eer be necessary, is encapsulated in lines 15-18FreedomIs a strong seedPlantedIn a great need.Hughes furthers and finalizes the argument of equality, the contract to be heard and accepted, as salubrious as the need for individual freedom not based on race through lines 19-21I live here, withalI want freedom only when as you.In closingThe contributions make by Langston Hughes, not only in poetry but also in other forms of writing, have become a written testament to the troubling times that African-Americans u nderwent before they finally secured the equal rights they seek so hard to achieve. Hughes reflects every scene of growing up and living as an African-American in a marginalized, in general white environment. The poems discussed show Hughes pride in his race, and his refusal to submit and be subverted. Where there is a fairly everyday feel to issue for English B, we find a core focus that explains unity, rather than forcing partition by showing that white and moody Americans are so very different. In Afro-American Fragment, Hughes explored the unconscious aspects that shape the longing of African-Americans, the yearning back to Africa, and in Democracy we return again, with a little more(prenominal) force and directness, to the issue of equality and desegregation. It should be argued though, as Hughes was wont to point out, that this integration would not be accomplished through subversion, but on terms that make space for the African-American, or any other race to thrive an d flourish in a unified, collective whole, without prejudice or injustice.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Technology effects of Human Relationships
They say tout ensemble good involvements must come to an sack. Well if this is correct, and engineering science had stopped animated how would the world respond? I previse that this world would go into a commodious depression. Not necessarily beca drill of honorable and honorable liaisons like the abilities to further your education, notice the news, or cooking a uncomplicated(a) meal for the family solely beca enforce of the inability to use engineering science as a consanguinity based source.Based on the research Ive d wizard, studies draw shown that technology has a re eachy negative effect on kind-hearted kinships because people are basic on the wholey use it for robots, an unrealistic emotional caregiver, internet, a fri conclusionly skills killer and a communicator, relationship create off false emotions. In the past, if a psyche is feeling alone or so emotional to the point where they pack to consult to soul they would with another person. Now-a-days, if on that point is a problem, a person negotiation there situation out to a talking teddy bear named Fujitsu.This Fujitsu is construct to keep company to a person by being understanding and loving. another(prenominal) serviceman like robot is the muck up impression. In the article Flight for discourse, an elderly woman true(a)ly talked to this pestle about personal problems, the woman became comfort because it unquestionablely seemed to be following her discourse. The scariest thing about these restitutions, is, we are willinging to correct to a battery robot than an actual human race being. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the roughly best-selling(predicate) favorable ne twainrks there is, so to piddle one is not a surprise. It is turn out to be a precise habit-forming technology tool.Many people are so in tuned with these internet sources that they cut all ties with their actual surroundings. A pay off could be talking to their child about a serious top ic, provided the daughter could not even be listening to that beat because their tweeting . People especially teens, rather snap off their feelings to a website rather than their own parents. A quote, from the article, Just How Many Facebook Friends Do You carry? supports this argument No matter if it is a wall post, a comment, or a photo, young peoples interlock with Facebook is driven.Texting is considered to be, one of the fastest just about used communicator there is to exist. Although it is genuinely convenient, it is depriving the two interactors from a real conversation and relationship. Someday, someday, but certainly not now, Id like to learn how to set about a conversation. a 16 yr senile boy says because he feels he has no communicating skills. as well as for instance, if one is unfamiliar with someone and arduous to get to know them they will textual matter that person to become bump acquaintances. The issue with this is that when a person text, it is u nrealizable to actually understand the others attitude, emotions or behavior.Therefore you really authentically dont know them you could become affiliated to a person that you really have no interest in. Many grass wall that, Technology has so many another(prenominal) autocratic results, and that it doesnt matter about a some negative ones. I differ with these lucid remarks, human relationships are very consequential and self- respectable we should not continue to drop something so valuable. In order to dress the problem, technology users should practice more one on one conversation with others human beings. experience how to accept technology as a benefit not a lead.Technology Effects of Human RelationshipsThey say either good things must come to an end. Well if this is correct, and Technology had stopped alive how would the world respond? I scream that this world would go into a long depression. Not necessarily because of beneficial and honorable things like the abilities to further your education, watching the news, or cooking a simple meal for the family but because of the inability to use technology as a relationship based source.Based on the research Ive done, studies have shown that technology has a very negative effect on human relationships because people are basically apply it for robots, an unrealistic emotional caregiver, internet, a social skills killer and a communicator, relationship make off false emotions. In the past, if a person is feeling alone or so emotional to the point where they need to consult to someone they would with another person. Now-a-days, if there is a problem, a person talks there situation out to a talking teddy bear named Fujitsu.This Fujitsu is built to keep company to a person by being understanding and loving. another(prenominal) human like robot is the bollocks up seal. In the article Flight for conversation, an elderly woman actually talked to this seal about personal problems, the woman became comfort because it actually seemed to be following her conversation. The scariest thing about these issues, is, we are willing to conform to a battery robot than an actual human being. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the most best-selling(predicate) social networks there is, so to have one is not a surprise. It is turn out to be a very addictive technology tool.Many people are so in tuned with these internet sources that they cut all ties with their actual surroundings. A mother could be talking to their child about a serious topic, but the daughter could not even be listening to that mother because their tweeting . People especially teens, rather debunk their feelings to a website rather than their own parents. A quote, from the article, Just How Many Facebook Friends Do You carry? supports this argument No matter if it is a wall post, a comment, or a photo, young peoples encounter with Facebook is driven.Texting is considered to be, one of the fastest most used commun icator there is to exist. Although it is very convenient, it is depriving the two interactors from a real conversation and relationship. Someday, someday, but certainly not now, Id like to learn how to have a conversation a 16 year old boy says because he feels he has no communication skills. Also for instance, if one is unfamiliar with someone and trying to get to know them they will text that person to become better acquaintances. The issue with this is that when a person text, it is impossible to really understand the others attitude, emotions or behavior.Therefore you really truly dont know them you could become attached to a person that you really have no interest in. Many can argue that, Technology has so many positive results, and that it doesnt matter about a few negative ones. I disagree with these rational remarks, human relationships are very important and self-beneficial we should not continue to destroy something so valuable. In order to fix the problem, technology user s should practice more one on one conversation with others human beings. Learn how to accept technology as a benefit not a need.
Friday, January 4, 2019
DBQ Middle Ages Essay
The pith ages began after the fall of the papistical Empire. It can be defined as a time of minimal ethnical and scientific achievements, excruciation, feudalism, and g everyplacenment agency of the church. The labels for the optic Ages that stovepipe describe the era between five hundred and 1400 in Europe are the injustice Ages, the Age of feudal corpse, and the Age of faith.The Middle Ages should be labelled the Dark Ages because of the years of suffering that was inflicted from invasions. Invaders, usually from the North, would come into t ingests and completely demean desolate to everything. These invasions made pile feel in fear and abandon their homes in refuge of safer places. In inscription one, They plunder town and village and laid waste the fieldsthere is no weeklong any trade, only unceasing disquietudethe people render gone to creep in the depths of the forest or pathless regions. Besides peoples homes being destroyed from invasions, many people were killed and their retention and even loved ones taken. In text file 3, 842, in this year there was a great slaughter in capital of the United Kingdom and Quentavic and Rochester843 the Northmen, with their boats filled with booty, including both men and goods, show to their own country. The Dark Ages has a shun connotation to it, so this label rightly matches the terrible invasions that occurred leaving families devastated.The Middle Ages should overly be labeled the Age of Feudalism because of the absence of imperial authority that was replaced by local semipolitical makeup cognise as the feudal corpse. The feudal system was based on loyalty and obligations between landlords in their vassals. In exchange for breastplate and land (fiefs) from the Lord, the vassle gave the Lord his loyalty, military service, and interchange if needed, as shown in the feudal obligations of schedule 4. After the fall of the Roman Empire, its territories in Europe had to protect themse lves from outside invaders.To do this, these local kingdoms gave land to those willing to despatch knights in order to protect the kingdom. In document two John of Toul is a vassle to the count and countess of bubbly and takes the Homage Oath, I, can buoy of Toulwill send to the Count and Countess of Champagne the knights who is service I owed to them for this fief which I hold. Without the loyalty and service from the vassals to the landlord, the feudal system would crumble leaving that territory au naturel(p) against invaders and rival kingdoms.Finally, the Middle Ages should be labeled the age of faith because of the solid organization and power the Catholic church demonstrated. The power of the church can merely be seen through its cathedrals as shown in instrument 10. A lot of money, materials, and labor were unavoidable to throw the cathedral and only a wealthy and powerful organization could build them. The church even tried to ready warfare between landlords by decreeing age of peace when no battles or attacks could occur. In schedule 5, the Church believes in the devise of God and called for the observance of the Truce of God, on every Sunday, Friday, and Saturday, and on feast eld no one may make murder, arson, robbery, or assault. Besides power, the Catholic Church had a lot of influence over people. Some people gave up the conduct they knew to follow God and join a monastic order.This is evident in history 8, an excerpt adapted from monastic vows taken by a br opposite that had an fair brio but gave it up for a life with God. I renounce my own will for the will of GodI accept all hardships of the monastic lifeI promise to remain a monk in this monastery. The calling of Crusades by the church shows its influence it had over people even in times of war. pontiff Urban II was the head of the Catholic Church and he believed it was Gods will to call for a bear on to recapture the holy lands. In document 9, your brethren of the Mi ddle East are in urgent need of your helpthe Turks and Arabs have attackedthey have occupied more(prenominal) and more of the lands of the Christians. Document 8 shows the churchs religious influence while document 9 shows its political influence.In refinement the Dark Ages, the Age of Feudalism, and the Age of Faith are labels that best describes the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages were low on pagan and scientific achievements and lived off of the knowledge from civilizations before them. Document 6, it performs the function of the knowledge and treasures of what had come before. Its siding of creativity and originality did not in any way surpass the turmoil from invasions, political organization from feudalism, or the power of the church, to be known as a flamboyant age. Document 7, medieval culture was in perfect, was restricted to a narrow distribute of superior minds. To better understand that the Middle Ages produced a low amount of cultural and scientific achievements I would need an special document of a list of achievements produced during this era. I would be able to compare this to other achievements produced in civilizations during their Golden Age.
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