Monday, September 30, 2019
The Steps to Be Taken Towards a Green Future
My Grandfather says, â€Å"Looking out the window is not what it used to be†. I was not a 100% sure what he meant, so I asked him. He was talking about the whole concept of â€Å"Going Green†, the fact that there is a limited amount of the earths’ oil left and that landfills are emitting tons of greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere. No one knew about clean alternatives to petroleum such as palm oil and Biodiesel, which is produced from waste cooking oils instead of using gas or diesel or that just having a compost garden in your backyard could reduce the world’s garbage even just a fraction which is helping. This paper will go over ways to lower the consumption and usage of fossil fuels. Also, discuss ways of; lowering pollution rates, eliminating nuclear power and introducing clean energy alternatives to gas and electricity. Solar Energy and Windmills are a big part in the clean energy movement that people are starting to fight for and my Grandfather’s generation has no knowledge about. In the words of Xavier Rudd â€Å"Thank you for your message but I don’t understand, no I won’t understand. †People like my Grandfather never knew about what pollution could actually do to the environment. Wind energy is a step that is being taken throughout Europe (Krueger pg1). Many countries have started to switch their electrical consumption to clean energy and not the modern way of producing electricity, with magnets or nuclear, which use gasoline to power the engines. All the world needs is the wind and sun to provide enough electricity to power the people who inhabit it. Today’s power plants run on fossil fuels and that pollutes the environment, which waste valuable resources. Either in a steam or gas turbine power plant they all rely on coal, petroleum or biomass to power at least one thing in the plant. But, in a wind, geothermal, or hydroelectric powered power plant the turbine is turned by the wind, water or steam produced from the earth to produce the electricity. Even though nuclear power plants don’t burn fossil fuels to create the electricity they are still polluting the earth and are a danger to mankind. Just recently, Japan was hit by a tsunami and a nuclear powered plant was hit. Nuclear reactor after nuclear reactor broke and started to become a problem for the environment and threaten the lives of not only the Japanese citizens, but of the world. With clean energy the electricity can be created by home owners, farmers and the government. Everyone can get into the electrical game and even get paid for the electricity that they do not use and it can go to power someone else’s home (Krueger 2). Pollution has gone on for a long time and started basically at the beginning of the industrial revolution and it’s time for it to be put to rest. With the industrial revolution came automobiles, which are the biggest part of the pollution problem. Another part of the problem is the amount of paper that is used. The paper industry is why marijuana is illegal, it is because the hemp from marijuana could be used for paper, rope, clothing, ect†¦ that they made the government make it illegal. People don’t realize how much paper is wasted in toilet paper, paper towels, tissue paper, books, magazines, newspapers, and office paper. All of those things are made from trees and no one even thinks about the trees. They have been here on this earth longer than use and we are cutting them down, just to make paper it seems. If the amount of paper used stays at this rate then we are going to be all out of trees and plants to but down to make paper without effecting our oxygen levels. The companies weren’t even planting the trees back until recently when some started to plant new trees to start to try to create a sustainable paper supply for the future. Garbage is another main pollutant that is ruining our earth. In the garbage there is too much recyclable and compost able goods that should be in recycling factories or compost piles. Also, there is plastic, which was another invention from the industrial revolution (Calandri 235). Plastic is a non-biodegradable compound which means that it cannot decompose with natural processes. Plastic is overflowing the landfills of the world and something has to be done. People have to start recycling their plastic in-order to protect the planet. We also must lower the amount of waste that we put into our landfills, both homes and restaurants must do this (McCaffree 205). People have to start conmposting and conserving water to save the world. Another way that companies are going green is that they are using algae to filter the on the CO2 from the power plants’ exhaust gases to make the power plants’ coal burning less polluted for the environment (Going Green Literally pg17). The power plants are a big part of the pollution problem with them burning coal, and also fossil fuels to run their generators and machines. If power plants start to use the algae to cycle their exhaust the CO2 emissions can be lowered by 20% per power plant, which is a whole lot less greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere. Clean energy alternatives to petroleum products are a way to stop drilling for oil to make into gasoline, diesel, fertilizers, aspirin, plastics and even artificial hearts and pacemakers. Thousands of household and everyday items are made with oil that you wouldn’t even think were. Family Recreational activities such as skiing and snowboarding use oil in the manufacturing of the boards or skis, even contact lenses that have oil in them and without oil how would they work. I’m sure there would be something else that manufacturers could use when making the lenses. Oil is a big industry that has its hold on most of American products and even the world. Biogas is another form of clean energy. It is also a sustainable resource that is made from grass and tree clippings, and restaurant food waste (Corum 36). Today power plants are all over the world and if they get converted to run of this sustainable resource than oil can be eliminated from the power plants. With the power plants not using oil and petroleum products that amount of oil that is needed to live can be cut down. FCC Expander Technology is the best way for the petroleum companies to go green. The FCC process is very complicated and uses all the waste products over again by recycling them into re-useable energy (Carbonetto 79). The recycled energy from the flue gas has a couple of things that it can be used for and I think that is a very good uses of the un-useable gas. The Electric power generation train in the petroleum plant has a lot of key benefits and engineers have been designing the most energy efficient ways to do the process of making fossil fuels (Carbonetto 83). The petroleum refining industry is starting to come up with ways to save energy, reduce costs and save the environments. Palm oil and Biodiesel are by-products of seeds. Biodiesel is made from oil that has been used at restaurants or other places and is a clean burning fuel deprived from biological sources (Biodiesel pg2). Biodiesel produces much less CO2 than regular diesel, biodegradable and is also non-toxic. Palm oil on the other hand, is made from palm tree seeds (Yusoff 3). The palm trees grow in warm tropical climates and two different types of palm fruit oil come from it. The first is crude palm oil from the seed and the second is crude palm kernel oil made from the kernel. What is good about palm oil is that palm trees are perennial crops and they are a sustainable resource. In conclusion, what has to happen is that governments around the world have to enforce new laws to protect the environment. The laws have to force the use of clean energy alternatives to petroleum products. The alternatives are Biodiesel and Palm Oil to fuel our cars, trucks, planes, trains and boats. The pollution has to be addressed next to save the planet. There are many form of pollution and law enforcement has to implement more strict laws and higher fines to stop people from littering. Last thing that has to be done is to push towards a future where electricity is made from wind or water. Windmills and watermills are the future of electricity and do not need to use any fossil fuels to power the generators. In order to go green people and business must start moving towards a greener living and the consumption of goods needs to be lowered by everyone.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Hate Crimes Essay
The subject of hate crimes has to the highest degree had an affect on the way in which people socialize with each other on a regular basis. The basic definition of a hate crime is just about any act of violent behavior or vocal laceration of a human being simply on the basis of his or her race, spiritual belief, or his or her sexuality. A vast number of other bases that have an influence on hate crime have been introduced which are dependants upon guiding principle in written laws. The problem of abhorrence has absolutely overwhelmed every single one of us with queries and wished-for responses on how and why a number of of these blasphemous acts have taken place in front of the entire world. It is usually believed by people that the hate is not endorsed but erudite by means of the background of a person in particular environments. Several other factors are believed to be stirring this emotion as well. These are inclusive of the placement of a person in society, devout practices, and antagonism in the business ways. Analysis Violent behavior aggravated by a partiality in opposition to victims’ distinctiveness which are inclusive of race, faith, cultural background, nationalized basis, sexual category, or sexual orientation, are problems that have posed an issue to the entire community. The Federal law has defined a hate crime as at whatever time a fatality is assaulted on the foundation of his or her race, civilization, religious conviction, sexual orientation, or sexual characteristics; hate wrongdoings are made in opposition to constituents of a meticulous group basically due to their association to that group. Statistics show to us that at a time when in one year about nine thousand one hundred hate crimes took place, â€Å"a review of the data by incident showed that all but 4 of the incidents were classified as single-bias (involving only one bias motivation). A breakdown of the single-bias incidents by the type of bias revealed that 51. 4 percent were motivated by racial bigotry, 17. 9 percent were caused by religious intolerance, 16. 6 percent were the result of a sexual-orientation bias, and 13. 7 percent were triggered by an ethnicity/national origin bias. The remainder involved a bias against a disability. †(FBI Releases, 2004). There is no guarantee that hate crimes can ever be stopped. But there are certain steps that can be taken so as to stop such heinous crimes from taking place. First of all, the Federal Laws need to be adjusted as they do not take in sexual orientation as a hate crime. What else is that The Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) should be made tougher with stronger punishments so that people would be scared of the law (Hate Crimes, 2006). Another very important aspect is that every single hate crime must be reported to the higher authorities as if the sufferer does not speak up when the crime has taken place, the offender just might be able to strike back at him or her or perhaps someone who belongs to the sufferers’ base of being attacked. Criminal justice administrators and state policy makers should come to become conscious that it is necessary to create or regulate hate crime legislation. This is an issue that has undergone much debate since a long time. The answer to resolving the ever-growing predicament of hate crimes is additional hate crime legislation. Conclusion The word â€Å"Hate Crime†is perhaps a rather expansive term that holds the basic meaning that hate crime is any offense where the executors’ narrow-mindedness in opposition to an individual collection of people is a feature in having an influence upon who would be the victim. These can be inclusive of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc. the profile of a hate crime offender can vary at all times as they usually appear to be innocent people. The rules against hate crimes need to be stricter so as to help decrease the crime.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Poor Patient Care due to Nursing Shortage Leading to Professional, Research Paper
Poor Patient Care due to Nursing Shortage Leading to Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the healthcare setting, nurses are the important players in nourishing and rehabilitating an unhealthy, injured, diseased individual back to a normal and healthy individual, thereby enabling him/her to live a happy and successful life. The roles and duties of a nurse have also evolved with the changing face of nursing. Rather than becoming few, they have become many, with nurses increasingly taking up certain duties that were previously left to society. The development of nursing has also seen nurses evolve from general practitioners to highly specialized professionals, with areas of practice ranging from geriatric nursing to pediatric nursing. This has resulted in better patient care and higher patient survival rates. With the rapid development of human society and increasing health needs, this specialization across the nursing profession is bound to increase even more. However, there is another side to the above scenario. That is, due to the number of factors, there is sizable nursing shortage throughout the world including in the UK, and that is leading to poor patient care. Due to this shortage of nurses in healthcare settings, patients are put in a high risk condition, as they are not being given expected as well as adequate care leading to professional, ethical and legal issues Identification of the legal, professional and ethical issues A nurse will only â€Å"provide a structure of caring that can ultimately create an environment where†¦ a patient can begin a transition from victim to survivor†(Johnston 2006). Thus, if the shortage of nurses accentuates, the ‘structure’ will collapse, leading to a lot of trouble and risks. Shortage of nurses is being witnessed in many UK hospitals in the past few years, thereby placing NHS in a peril state. A shortage is happening because many hospitals have placed a freeze on the recruitment of new nurses and also axing currently functioning nurses as well. â€Å"Many hospitals have been axing nursing posts or imposing recruitment freezes since 2005 and 2006, having racked up huge debts. Official figures show 5,964 nursing posts have been axed in the past two years. †(Borland 2013). Shortage of nursing staff has a major detrimental impact on the quality of service of the hospital which directly impacts its reputation as well as on the hospital’s overall capacity to service (Buerhaus et al. 2007). More than the hospital’s image, the valuable lives of people are at stake. People come to a healthcare setting in an already compromised state, with both their physical as well as mental health in a will be in a weakened state. That is, as people visit hospitals, when their physical body is malfunctioning, diseased and injured, their physical strength and also their mental morale will be at an all-time low. Fig 1: (Borland 2013). Considering their state, it is of crucial importance for the healthcare profe ssionals particularly nurses, as said above, to provide them with apt care and ‘nurse’ back to health. (Gosling and Mintzberg 2003). However, when there is the shortage of nurses, all the patients may not be given apt and equal care, also may not be given quick care or care in times of need, and even deficient care. When this happens, many worst-case scenarios arise. â€Å"Recent documents, including the infamous Francis Report, have exposed a catalog of failings in the NHS, where patients have been neglected, poorly observed and physically abused. Findings detailed how patients were left unwashed; unable to eat and drink due to lack of help, and overall poorly managed in their final hours of need.†(The City Times).Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Assesing organizational readiness for change Essay
Assesing organizational readiness for change - Essay Example The first step is to assign at least one designated change agent responsible for overseeing the change effort. â€Å"It is very important for the leader of change to seek the active support of the workforce population†(Edosomwan, 2009, p.13). In a meeting with senior managers and important middle managers, this change agent should be elected to take on the responsibility of communicating the importance of the relocation effort with employees and coordinate the necessary human resources activities necessary to keep motivation high and commitment top-notch. People are often resistant to change, especially in a situation where Med-Qpment would be uprooting most of its staff and forcing them, and their families, to move into a different part of the state. Issues of job security will be considered, along with their basic physiological concerns, such as the costs of selling their homes or purchasing new homes to meet the change goal. After electing the change agent, they should be exposed to the realistic budget for this change effort and produce a qualitative questionnaire for distribution to the employees that can address individual concerns about the change. This questionnaire should highlight issues such as telecommuting possibilities (to avoid relocation) as well as any counseling services that might be required on behalf of human resources. Two experts in this kind of change offers that failed relocations can cost approximately $115,000 for each employee (Lachnit & Solomon), something Med-Qpment cannot afford currently. As the practicing change agent, these questionnaires can be distributed in a group meeting format where discussion about the probable relocation can occur face-to-face. â€Å"In times of change, interpersonal interaction with peers and superiors is highly valued, making such relationships a salient feature in shaping readiness†(Bouckenooghe, Devos &
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Little house in the war zone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Little house in the war zone - Essay Example Even after the fall of Saddam, the house did not regain its status as it was in a dilapidated condition. In fact, Salbi indicates that the once warm and happy house that carried the hopes and dreams of a family became an execution center, a brothel, and even the Iraqi army used the house for its operations. It seems that the once warm house filled with happiness started having problems after the family welcomed and entertained politicians, no less than the late dictator Saddam Hussein. In my opinion, the family had it coming from the onset after they opened the door for Saddam. Indeed, the welcoming of Saddam and the consequent appointment of Salbi’s father to a position in the government led to the family’s subjection to a public life full of scrutiny from security agents. In effect, this denied the family a private life that they had been accustomed to before welcoming Saddam. Nonetheless, I think the family did not deserve this treatment since they were non-politico. However, a quiet and simple life full of happiness was wrecked with the hopes and dreams of the family wrecked. It is unfortunate to see a house filled with warmth and happiness, which the family extended to their visiting friends change and used in ways that the family could not comprehend. In this case, I think the family stood for all that is virtuous although their house was later used for reasons that were different from the family’s beliefs and principles. Salbi indicates that she could not come to terms with the fact that the house that housed her family’s dreams and hopes once became a brothel. Indeed, the family believed that respect for all human beings was paramount. In addition, I think the family could never imagine that their house would at any one time be a place where men took advantage of women forced into prostitution by
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Characterize both sides of only one aspect of the international debate Research Paper
Characterize both sides of only one aspect of the international debate concerning Global Warming - Research Paper Example Basically, global warming can be defined as the heating of the planet as a result of excessive temperature generated from green house gas emissions such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which trap heat causing increases in temperature (Brown 1996). The greenhouse gases allow light from the sun to come into the atmosphere and trap the outward bound infrared radiation to warm up the earth. However, the more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped causing extreme climatic conditions which can negatively impact on the welfare of the people. Extreme climate conditions such as floods or recurrent droughts can be witnessed as a result of the effects of global warming. The melting of ice as a result of global warming results in increases of more water to the ocean and its level rises. As a result of the rising sea level, people living in areas below that sea level will be displaced. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been studying about global warming over the past few decades. Their most recent report, issued in February 2007 entitled: â€Å"Evidence is now ‘unequivocal’ that humans are causing global warming,†shows that the activities of the human beings are responsible for the cases of increasing global warming conditions. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the earth has already been showing many signs of worldwide climate change (United Nations News 2007). An increase of about three degrees is expected this century according to this report. The report notes that surface temperature has increased by about 0.74 degrees over the last 100 years. Larger values of glacier melting of abo ut 1m are expected by about 2100. Global warming has a number of negative impacts on the welfare of human beings. â€Å"Major impacts of climate change will be on rain fed crops (other than rice and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Huntly power station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Huntly power station - Essay Example The government despite of knowing about all environmental disturbances is forced to tolerate as it does not have any alternative source of energy production. 6 Resource Management Act 6 Overview of Resource Consents 6 Aquatic Resource Consent owned by Huntly Power Plant 7 Environmental Effects of Aquatic Resource Consent 7 References 8 Glossary 9 Abstract The paper is written in order to discuss environmental costs and ramifications of operationalization of Huntly Power Plant. The featured power plant is working to provide electricity to majority of people living in the country of New Zealand and therefore, government’s hands are tied when it comes to regulation of the Power Plant. Additionally, all of the source consents owned by the plant are designed to delay the inevitable of global environmental destruction. The Huntly Power Plant: An Analysis of Environmental and Societal Costs Introduction The power generation business is one of the most important work-lines in the worl d. These facilities are primarily responsible for generating and supplying electric power to industrial and residential areas. But, these power plants are running on oil and therefore, their operational costs are increasing significantly on an annual basis. The environmental and societal costs associated with the operations of these power plants are also known to creep up with a close of each and every fiscal year (Hamilton & Manne 1978). However, the power plants do not work towards restoration of green environment and nor do they participate towards benefitting the society at large. They only focus on generation of power and maximization monetary returns. These facilities follow an avoidance strategy towards managerial ethics and therefore, hold on to the point that their purpose is to do the business and ethics and societal benefit is none of their concern (Logue, 1996). Additionally, governments feel reluctant towards imposition of increased taxation on private power plants beca use in this way, they risk escalating already increasing power prices. The major stakeholder in the business of power generation is the local government and due to this reason, the governmental offices have to make tradeoff between low energy prices and growing environmental concerns (Holtz, 2008). The economic mindset of the government forces it to choose lower energy prices over environmental concerns every time. The problem of global warming and increasing international temperatures has received a great level of attention lately and supporters of green living are of the view that alternative energy projects can save the planet. But, the industrialists think otherwise because switching the whole world economy from oil to alternative energy sources is a big deal and it requires major investments (Whitmarsh & O’Neill, 2010). The alternative energy sources such as wind and solar energy are predicted to produce less amount of energy than the traditional methods. The world econo mic system is not ready to use alternative energy sources because nobody trusts them right now. But, in a few years major oil producers’ output levels are going to decrease notably and this futuristic possibility may lead to more price related difficulties for electricity consumers. The oil producing companies are consuming more oil than their production levels and therefore, the level of oil available for domestic
Monday, September 23, 2019
Most influential event in American history from 1750 to present Essay
Most influential event in American history from 1750 to present - Essay Example This paper examines the devastating impacts of the Japanese operation on United States of America later well-known as Pearl Harbor attacks and as result unprecedented reactions from the people of America. Attacks on the Pearl Harbor navy station enhanced the unity of American nation in their decision to fight and defeat their opponent. Pearl Harbor attacks provoked the United States’ participation in the Second World War and reorganization of its national security. United States had experienced other attacks that took place earlier to the Pearl Harbor. However, none of them was as destructive and surprising as the Pearl Harbor attacks. Additionally, the attack was the first to be conducted in the territory of American State. The military assault began in the morning of December 7, 1941 and it targeted American navy stationed in the Pearl Harbor. According to John Toland, the Pearl Harbor attacks were planned and executed by the Imperial Japanese Army. During all the period, th e Second World War had been going on for two years but the United States of America had not yet joined the conflict. Japan, Italy, and Germany as the main aggressors were concerned about the imminent involvement of the United States of America in the war. Due to the apparent dominance of the American navy, the Japanese military premeditated the Pearl Harbor assault to prevent United States of America from joining war by weakening its naval facility.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
My History with Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My History with Language - Essay Example However, my mother has been my role model towards speaking some sort of English before I even joined in an elementary school. In most cases, some elementary schools use first languages to teach students in order to enable them understand well something that contribute to some difficulties in learning second language effectively for many international students. Therefore, my history with language begins from earlier childhood life to adulthood and the way I have encounter varied problems in reading, writing and speaking. One of the greatest mentors apart from my mother is my high school English teacher because he had molded my attitudes towards English language. I always viewed English as a language for the Americans people only but I have realized the advantages of reading, writing and even speaking fluent English. My high school teacher’s greatest complement to me was that I had a good accent in English and this enabled me to work hard in class in order to perform well in my studies. I have always wanted to be one of those students who learn other people’s languages easily; however, I can say without any disbelief that I am not since my learning especially my speaking and reading is slow. I have assimilation problem and learning foreign language is challenging because learning is a process and it takes times for one to acquire adequate knowledge or experience. It took me two years to get to the point of conversing or socializing with my friends in my own language while living in a foreign country. I have been living with foreign family friends for more than five years but I have never been able to speak nor read fluent in foreign language. I am not linguistically gifted and one can be able to picture my literacy when learning foreign languages. Gass and Larry (3) assert that many graduate programs have made significant efforts of training students in second language acquisition unlike a generation ago and this has become significant in the contem porary learning environment. Many people have come to realize that in case one has to develop effective language teaching strategies, he or she has to develop a solid basis for those strategies in language learning. Despite some challenges, I understand that it is because of the efforts of my mother and my teachers in an elementary school, which enabled me to develop a bit of some accent in English. However, I also thank my high school English teacher for employing effective language teaching strategies for helping me to meet my education demanding needs efficiently. For instance, the use of language teaching strategies which are based on translation and memorization exercises has played significant roles in improving my English language. I have always wanted to read, write and even speak fluent foreign languages because I wanted to become a tourist; thus tour all places across the globe. One of the most prominent and salient type of critical learning experience is concerned with tr avel. This is either traveling to a country where English or French language is spoken; thus travel experience can enable learners to see the value of speaking English, Spanish or French as a way of communicating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds (Mercer 148). I recall when I was 11 years old, I and my family made a trip to Hawaii during a holiday. I was amazed to see many people
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Life at a Medieval University Essay Example for Free
Life at a Medieval University Essay Life at a medieval university for clerics was in many regards similar to our present day college experience. When college was in session, life was basically split into two categories; life in the books, and life outside the books if you will. Scholars needed to focus their attention to the tasks at hand during learning hours. As we know today, the more time you spend studying, the better grades you’ll achieve. On the other hand, scholars needed a release from the daily grind of constant academic involvement. This may have included some popular pastimes such as drinking, gambling, and wreaking havoc downtown (nothing a modern student would do). The scholars experienced many of the problems that modern day collegians deal with as well. Some of these issues included finding the college that fits you best, shortages of funds, arguments with local residents, feuds with fellow clerics, and finding the path that would be fulfilling to them in their lives. There were only a few major differences being a life centered on religion and discussions based on theology, the fact that only males were accepted to study and the clothing that scholars wore. All in all, being at a university was for the betterment of the individual. Students back then had a similar motivation to go to school. By completing university study, you would achieve a higher status in society and live a better life. Another was to get out of a home town to see what else the world had to offer. College is the best time to explore because you’re housing and food are all accounted for. Wandering scholars took best advantage of this by traveling to different universities and getting a diverse education. One reason not many people went to school was because most were not privileged at this time (the literacy rate was very poor). Academic life was structured fairly well. Rules and rights were clearly laid out by the institution itself. Students were protected from harm by any member of the faculty, as they should be. In the â€Å"Royal Privileges Granted to the University of Paris by the King of France,†it is stated that â€Å"†¦neither our provost nor our judges shall lay hands on a student for any offence whatever; nor shall they place him in our prison, unless such a crime is committed by the student that he ought be arrested. †The article goes on to talk about how under the circumstances that the scholar is found to have committed a crime, he be handed over to an actual judge for further investigation. This shows that the university has governing powers within itself to a certain extent. If an encroachment can be resolved without going to the local or state government authorities, the scholar’s image can be protected. Even today we have University Police on campus who held regulate behavior on campuses, but do not have jurisdiction outside of the college campus. Clothing was another major aspect of scholarly life. Clerics wore long cloaks with nothing fancy that would make them stand out. Master teachers wore cloaks with the addition of a white stole. The stole was used to show status and authority over the rest of the student body. This seems to hint to the fact that all the scholars were on a level field of play, and it distinguished them from the rest of society. Typically our graduates of today’s colleges and universities adorn the traditional gowns when they receive their diploma. On a side note, I attended a private religious elementary school which enforced a policy of uniforms (shirt and tie for the guys, skirts for the girls). I believe that by wearing the same clothing as fellow students, people aren’t so concerned with what each other is wearing, and focus on learning. Religion played a major factor in medieval universities. As in my elementary experience of mass being part of the weekly routine, medieval universities had a major emphasis on religion. Robert de Sorbon tells us in his regulations that religious holidays will be followed strictly in the academic life. No meat would be allowed to be consumed on Advent and other days designated by the church. If you were at a university at this time, you would follow the religious standards, just as I could never get out of going to Friday mass at HGA. Nowadays, religion is a touchy topic. It is left to the discretion of the individual whether or not he or she wants to follow the practices and how closely. Church and state are now separated as to avoid major conflicts. Peter Abelard questions the theological teachings of medieval universities and is criticized for it. He says â€Å"Is God one, or no? †At this time scriptures were not to be questioned and were considered to be true. As we know now, science has become a major source of answers in society. Anyway, Abelard brings a whole new dimension to the table when he questions god’s existence and some of the things that the church stands for. The whole basis is to use logic and reason to ponder things in a philosophical fashion. This faith vs. reason debate involved Abelard and others who felt that god was in a persons being, or heart. Academia took up most of the students daily and weekly lives. Scholars took full advantage of down time to relax and enjoy themselves. Social life was the second major aspect of a cleric’s university experience. As we know, the student body greatly impacts the surrounding town’s economy; however social issues arise as well. When students and townspeople are in the same atmosphere, and drinking, fights are bound to break lose. These battles came to be known as â€Å"town and gown†ordeals. These were actually small wars where people would be killed! As many as three thousand students armed with weapons would flood the streets and begin fighting with townspeople, also armed with weapons. Students were also held fairly high in terms of their rights. This is what fueled most of the battles. The fact that a scholar was in progress of obtaining a degree made many seem untouchable, after all, they were going to make the world a better place with their elevated knowledge. Students were warned ahead of time by their proctors that there was a tension between the people of the town and the student body. Heavy drinking and gambling occurred frequently and poems were written as evidence. This served as a social release where students could let lose for awhile. Even today student go to the bars downtown and mix with the locals. There are rarely any incidents of deaths or injuries because of it though. The money generated by pizza shops, bars, taxi services and businesses due to the student influx is what keeps them afloat. On a lighter note, clerics needed some of the same things that modern students need. Money was a big necessity among students as it is today. In a letter home one student tells his sponsor that he is working very hard in school, and studying often, but he needs some money to pay for food, rent and other â€Å"unspecified†things (possibly beer money?). The way he words his letter makes it sound like he will not be able to go on learning without the timely delivery of some funds. The sponsor’s response shows that he knows the truth behind what the student has said. It humors me how students today do the same thing through emails and phone calls home. â€Å"I’m working so very hard in school, but the weekend is coming †Its all part of growing up and learning responsibility. In the end, life at a medieval university was not that much different from today’s experience. The focus on religion was very important, but reason came into play as well. Scholars were taught to question everything in order to get to the roots of a topic. Over time, there was a major shift from the theological answers to the scientific explanations of today. We test things in science with facts to find if they are true instead of looking toward God and scripture. As in life, there is a time for work and a time for play. We go to college because we know it is good for us, plus it gives us a little extra time in our lives to figure out what we want to be.
Friday, September 20, 2019
V.S. Naipaul’s Mimic Men: Analysis of Identity Crisis
V.S. Naipaul’s Mimic Men: Analysis of Identity Crisis Abstract This article attempts to determine representation of identity crisis in V. S. Naipaul’s work Mimic Men. And this article attempts to relate how this novel is replete with the theme of identity crisis. Furthermore, the analysis of the novel’s genre and characters declare themes that are coloured by postmodern trait of fragmentation, which is discussed on a theoretical base with a focus on the theme of identity crisis. V.S. Naipaul has always represented a denial of the third-world spirit, and has represented societies that have recently emerged from colonialism. He describes the way these societies function in the post- colonial order. Though imperialism has passed and the colonies have attained an independent status, but these nations of the Third World faces a lot of problems like economic, social and political, and these are emerged identity crisis in the society. As a post- colonial novelist, Naipaul concentrates on major themes related to the problems of the coloni zed people. As an observer and interpreter of the ex- colonies, he clarifies the inadequacies of such societies. In his novels, The Mimic Men, the theme acquire a universality and observes and presents the fragmentation and alienation happen to be the universal location of man in the present day world. Introduction Some eminent Third World critics concentrate mainly on Naipaul’s development as a creative artist who picks up issues relating to the Third World. His works throw light on the Post-colonial and post- imperial realities that have shaped the contemporary societies and provides important insights relating to them. Naipaul’s novels lead to a better understanding of the problems that are faced by the post- imperial generations. In The Mimic Men, it has been observed that, as in the novels studied in the previous chapters, the characters as well as situations in The Mimic Men are dealt with by an â€Å"ambivalent approach†. The larger emphasis, however, has been seen to be laid on Singh’s attitude which creates â€Å"ambivalence†identity crisis by emphasising his seesaw relationship to Isabella and London. For instance, in the attic scene, Singh has been observed to vacillate between the â€Å"magic†and the â€Å"forlornness†of â€Å"the city,†which is London, the â€Å"heart of Empire†. Then, in the forward scene, Singh on the one hand criticises his colonial island for being a â€Å"transitional†and â€Å"makeshift†society that â€Å"lacks order,†and on the other hand, he describes London as â€Å"the greater disorder†and the â€Å"final emptiness.†While Singh finds the natural elements of London, such as the snow and the â€Å"light of dusk†gorgeous, he detests London’s dullness and lack of colour. Soon after Singh has left Isabella with the intention never to return, he states that London has â€Å"gone sour†on him and that he longs for the â€Å"certainties†of his island, although this is the place from where he once wanted to escape. These early scenes, then, which pass during Singh’s stay as a student in London, tell about Singh’s disillusionment with London, to where he has come, â€Å"fleeing disorder,†and â€Å"to find the beginning of order.†In a second flash-forward, however, as Singh arrives at Isabella, he calls his journey to and from London a â€Å"double journey†and a â€Å"double failure.†This â€Å"ambivalent situation†indicates that Singh is nowhere at home, and it is an indirect criticism towards the â€Å"coloniser†, who can be said to be the original cause of Singh’s â€Å"rootlessness†, identity crisis, because he has â€Å"displaced†colonial people like Singh. This argument is reinforced by an example given by Singh, where, to write his biography, he prefers the dull suburb hotel of London to the pastoral cocoa estate on Isabella. Singh calls his return to Isabella a mistake, but he believes that the cause of his mistake has been the â€Å"injury inflicted†on him by London, where he can never feel himself as anything but â€Å"disintegrating, pointless, and fluid.†This is another example that shows to what extent Singh has been affected by the coloniser’s practice of â€Å"displacing†people. Leaving Isabella, Singh feels relief. But as he arrives in London Singh feels he is â€Å"bleeding.†For the second time he senses the â€Å"forlornness†of â€Å"the city†on which he has twice â€Å"fixed so important a hope.†Twice he has come to the â€Å"centre of Empire†to find order, but twice he has been disillusioned. Identity crisis The identity crisis that his characters face is due to the destroying of their past and those who eventually overcome the crisis are the ones who have recovered their past or somehow managed to impose an order on their histories and moved on in life. Naipaul’s attitude to culture has always been progressive. It is the Third- World’s blind mimicry of the West that he cannot stomach. He lashes out at the shortcomings of Third- World societies, which have their roots in their traditional cultures, but are unmindful of them in their blind following of the West. They are thus able to maintain a distinct identity. But for the generation born in exile, life in the foreign soil proves almost fatal, as they have not been blessed with the insularity of their forefathers, who went there from India. For the new generation, India loses the sense of reality that it had conveyed to their ancestors. The major themes that emerge from a reading of his novels are related to the problems o f the colonized people: their sense of Alienation from the landscapes, their identity crisis, the paradox of freedom and the problem of neocolonialism in the ex-colonies. The people who can no longer identify with a cultural heritage lose the assurance and integrity which the locating racial ancestor provides. In addition, the harsh conditions of colonialism have left the West Indian bad conditions under the burden of poverty and ignorance. Because psychological and physical conditions correspond so closely, the unhoused, poverty stricken West Indian is so often culturally and spiritually dispossessed as well. His only alternative is to strive after the culture of his ex-colonial masters even though he is unable to identify with their traditions and values. In The Mimic men, however, Kripal Singh is not handicapped by poverty, ignorance, a lack of natural talent or the persecution of a grasping Hindu family. He has gained the material success, public eminence and apparent independen ce that Ganesh, Harbans and Biswas all longed to have. In addition, because of his university education and his exposure to a more sophisticated society in London, he is better able to recognize and articulate the many ills of his native back ground. but his clearly superior status and acute consciousness do not make him any less vulnerable to the subtle, yet over powering consequences of his psychologically fragmented and confusing past. In fact, his ability to rationalize his own condition sharpens rather than reduces his total alienation from his environment and his final rejection of an active life. The Mimic Men, however, is more than a mere elaboration of Naipauls previous West Indian novels: it is a profound re enactment of the growth and nature of the East Indian, west Indian psyche and its reaction to the three cultures, Indian, Creole and English, which influence it. In the process, Kripal Singh, the narrator, confessor and visionary, comments on power, politics, social an d racial interactions, sex, education, displacement, isolation and identity crisis as experienced by the ex-colonial. Each topic is used to illuminate a facet of his mind. Conclusion To summarise what has been argued above, Singh is disillusioned about both Isabella and London, because he is a member of a colonised people that has been â€Å"displaced†identity crisis on a colonial â€Å"slave-island,†with a racially and culturally mixed population. In the period before Singh comes to London, he vacillates between his longing to escape from the island, where he feels â€Å"displaced†and â€Å"rootless†, and the feeling that experience past on the colonial island nevertheless attaches him somehow to it. During Singh’s political career, the â€Å"ambivalent attitudes†in Singh and Browne have shown that, while they seem to criticise the â€Å"colonised†and the colony, their â€Å"ambivalent attitude†actually indicates that the real source of the faults criticised in individuals and the society is to be found with the â€Å"coloniser†. Finally, Singh escapes from his â€Å"artificial home†to the â€Å"imperial centre†and claims to have found fulfilment there, but his â€Å"ambivalent attitude†again shows that these are not real fulfilments, but only excuses used by Singh to find a â€Å"sense of attachment†in a certain â€Å"location†of the earth. However, even during this seeming compromise, Singh makes his important statement that finally attaches him to his own culture and not to the one of the coloniser. References Bongie, Chris. Islands and Exiles: The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature. California: Stanford University Press, 1998. Harney, Stefano. Nationalism and Identity: Culture and the Imagination in a Caribbean Diaspora. Kingston: University of the West Indies, 1996. Naipaul, V.S. The Mimic Men. London, New York, etc.: Penguin Books, 1969. (First published 1967).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Life and Literary Works of Shirley Jackson Essay -- Essays Papers
Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1919 to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. Her surroundings were comfortable and friendly. Two years after Shirley was born, her family with her newborn brother moved from San Francisco to Burlingame, California, about thirty miles away. "According to her mother, Shirley began to compose verse almost as soon as she could write it" (Friedman, 18). As a child, Shirley was interested in sports and literature. In 1930, a year before she attended Burlingame High School, Shirley began writing poetry and short stories. Jackson enrolled in the liberal arts program at the University of Rochester in 1934. But after periods of unhappiness and questioning the loyalty of her friends, she withdrew from the university. For the next year Shirley worked night and day on her writing. In doing so she established work habits, which she maintained for the rest of her life. After a year of becoming conscientious and disciplined writer, Jackson thought she better return to college for more schooling. In 1937, she entered Syracuse University. At first she was in the School of Journalism, but then she decided to transfer to the English department. For the next two years, while at Syracuse, Shirley published, fifteen pieces in campus magazines and became fiction editor of "The Syracusan", a campus humor magazine. When her position as fiction editor was eliminated, she and fellow classmate Stanley Edgar Hyman began to plan a magazine of literary quality, one that the English Club finally agreed to sponsor. (Friedman, 21) In 1939, the first edition of "The Spectre" was published. Although the magazine became popular, the English department didn't like the biting editorials and critical essays. But inspite of the department's constant watch over the magazine, Leonard Brown, a modern literature teacher, backed the students and the publication. Later, Jackson was always to refer to Brown as her mentor; and in 1959 she dedicated her novel "The Haunting of H ill House" to him.(Oppenheimer, 45) But in the summer of 1940, since Jackson and Hyman were graduating, it was announced the "The Spectre" had been discontinued. "Apparently hard feelings on the part of school authorities lasted for quite some time and may have been one of the reasons why neither Miss Jackson, even after becoming a successful author, nor Mr. Hyman, a known critic, was named as a recipi... ... Yorker. 28 June 1948. p. 292. Janeway, Elizabeth. "The Grotesque Around Us," The New York Times Book Review. 9 October 1966. p. 58. Kittredge, Mary. "The Other Side of Magic: A Few Remarks About Shirley Jackson." Discovering Modern Horror Fiction. Starmont House, New York, 1985. p. 4, 12, 14, 15. Kosenko, Peter. "A Marxist/Feminist Reading of Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' ." The New Orleans Review. Spring 1985. p. 225. Nebeker, Helen. " 'The Lottery': Symbolic Tour de France," American Literature: Duke University, North Carolina, 1974. p. 107. Oehlshlaeger, Fritz. "The Stoning of Mistress Hutchinson: Meaning of Context in 'The Lottery'." Essays in Literature. No. 2, Fall, 1988. p. 259, 261. Oppenheimer, Judy. Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson. G.P. Putnam's Sons: New York, 1988. p. 45, 60. Park, John G. "Waiting for the End: Shirley jackson's 'The Sundial'." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction, No. 3., 1978. p. 21, 22. Wolff, Geoffrey. "Shirley Jackson's 'Magic Style'." The New Leader. No. 17. 9 September 1968. p. 18. Woodruff, Stuart. "The Real Horror Elsewhere: Shirley Jackson's Last Novel." Southwest Review. Spring, 1967. p. 155.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Robert Goddard: The Father of Modern Rocketry Essay example -- essays
Robert Hutchings Goddard was a futurist. He was born in Worcester, Massachusetts on October 5, 1882. He was the son of a machinist and his father was known for his brilliance with machinery and tools. The Goddard’s moved from Worcester to Boston while Robert was just an infant, because his father went in half and half on a local machine tools shop. In Boston, is where the young Robert Goddard spent his youth as an only child, and most of his younger years were spent alone at home due to his mother’s illness with tuberculosis. Robert would not see his family’s hometown of Worcester again until he was seventeen in 1899. Much of his life was spent as an ill child (Spangenburg, 10), and he was an average student with an aversion to mathematics. Illness kept him out of school entirely in that autumn of 1899, and by this time Robert had only completed his freshman year of high school. Although he was unable to spend a lot of time within institutional walls, the young Goddard was not without a strong yearning to learn--at least to learn science. Much of the time he spent sick at home sick was consumed reading the Scientific American, or books from the library both science and science fiction novelsâ€â€-especially H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, a novel he would re-examine often in later years (Burrows, 32). Robert Goddard found happiness while doing his chores and often used found this time for relaxing. Like many young seventeen year olds, the time was spent daydreaming and this was the case on the 19th day of October 1899. Little did the young man know that this entry in his diary would change his entire life: â€Å"As I looked toward the fields in the east I imagined how wonderful it would be to make some device which had even the possibility of ascending to Mars, and how it would look on a small scale if sent up from the meadow at my feet. . .It seemed to me that a weight whirling around a horizontal shaft, moving more rapidly above than below, could furnish lift by virtue of the greater centrifugal force at the top of the path. I was a different boy when I descended the tree from when I ascended, for existence at last seemed very purposive.†(Yost, 145)      This new idea was known as the linear-force-from-eccentric-rotation, and although it was only a daydream of the young man, it was the spark that would ignite Goddard’s unendin... ...f his research, the inventor was able to accomplish his goal of creating a rocket capable of flight, and his design would later reach the stars. Furthermore, had his work been sponsored by the Armed Forces after the First World War, the space race would have not been such a challenge for the United States (Yost, 144). Dr. Goddard is still revered and remembered as the Father of Modern Rocketry. WORKS CITED Burrows, William. THIS NEW OCEAN: THE STORY OF THE FIRST SPACE AGE. New York: Random House, 1998. Freeman, Marsha. HOW WE GOT TO THE MOON: THE STORY OF THE GERMAN PIONEER. Wash DC: 21st Century Science, 1993. Lehman, Milton. THIS HIGH MAN: THE LIFE OF ROBERT GODDARD. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1963. Levine, Alan. THE MISSILE AND SPACE RACE. Westport: Praeger, 1994. Spangenburg, Ray & Moser, Diane. SPACE EXPLORATION: OPENING THE SPACE FRONTIER. New York: Oxford, 1989. Stockton, William & Wilford, John. SPACELINER. New York: Times, 1981. Time-Life Books. OUTBOUND: VOYAGE THROUGH THE UNIVERSE. Richmond: Time-Life, 1989. Yost, Edna. MODERN AMERICANS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Second Ed., New York: Dodd, Mead, 1962.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Revolutionary Viewpoints Essay -- essays research papers
Revolutionary Viewpoints      Beginning in 1773, the Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, and the Coercive Acts directly brought about the split between Britain and its American colonies. These events were a series of causes and effects and were viewed from extremely different viewpoints by the two sides. Because of these viewpoints, both sides saw force as the next logical step.      The Tea Act was passed by Parliament in 1773. It gave the British East India Company a virtual monopoly on the tea trade in North America while keeping the Townshend tea tax. The monopoly lowered the price of tea, but it hurt colonial businessmen. Soon the colonies started to boycott tea. For the British, the Tea Act sounded like a wonderful idea because it lowered the price on tea. The Tea Act could also let the colonies show that they are Englishmen and it was good for the whole empire. But on the other hand, the colonies thought the tea act was slowly taking away their rights, ruining their 150 years of tradition. Their tradition was that they only were taxed for local reasons.      Since the Tea Act was going on, people were boycotting tea coming from England. This led to the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was when 3 ships full of tea had arrived from England and the townspeople were refusing to pay the tax. So the ships could not be unloaded. Then the group, Sons of Liberty boarded the ship dressed as Native Americans...
Monday, September 16, 2019
His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the US Essay
Review by Howard Jordan, The City University of New York – Hostos Community College of book His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U. S. written by Emmy-award-winning journalist Geraldo Rivera. Rivera has truly emerged as a true warrior in defense of the Latino community and immigrant rights by dissecting and clarifying several myths that feed the anti-immigrant prejudice against the growing number of United States-born and foreign-born Latinos in our nation. One of the most obvious untrue assumptions surrounding immigrants is that Latinos are more prone to crime than their American counterparts. Rivera confronts the question of whether immigrants are committing crimes at higher rates than U. S. citizens. The debate started with a story about a drunk driver in Virginia Beach who killed two teenage girls in a terrible accident. The driver was an â€Å"illegal†Mexican. Rivera accusing Bill O’Reilly of making this same â€Å"cheap political point,†Rivera said, â€Å"[He] could have been a Jewish drunk, an Italian drunk, or an Irish drunk, would you still care? (p. 5). I believe this is the perfect example to showcase the constant double standard that exists when it comes to use Latinos as ‘scapegoats’ to take the blame for high rates of crimes or other issues. Statistics show that immigrants are no more prone to committing crimes than are the native-born. Another false rumor that causes anti-immigrant hostility is that Latino immigrants come here to take jobs from U. S. citizens. This statement cannot be further from the truth. With agreements like NAFTA, immigrants are not the ones to blame for stealing the jobs of American citizens. Conversely, the ones truly affected before any U. S. citizen is deprived of any opportunity are Mexicans because the jobs that NAFTA secures in the U. S. were jobs previously held by Mexican workers across the border. So, let’s take a moment to rethink who’s taking what from whom? In addition, Rivera cites several studies that show â€Å"Latino immigrants are not displacing American workers†¦ and rarely over-utilize social services†. Those criticizing must know that illegal immigrants are not entitled to receive any governmental assistance, because of their immigrant status. Going further Rivera has evidence in his book about â€Å"nonpartisan, non-ideological, scientific data [that] proves that immigrants contribute greatly to the America economy†(p. 169). Again this corrects the misinformation that immigrants are not a burdensome to the U. S. if not a huge contributing force of this nation whose rights are often violated. A further huge inaccurate detail Rivera addresses in his book is the assumption that immigrants use ‘anchor babies’ presumably to further the parents’ quest for citizenship. Anchor babies are children born of illegal immigrants to help their parents acquire citizenship status in the U. S. That cannot be further from the truth because under current law, an illegal immigrant parent seeking citizenship cannot use the fact that their child is a citizen, until that child reaches the age of twenty-one. However, immigrants are being wrongfully and constantly criminalized for intending to build and raise a family. In conclusion I believe that the United States has to stop using fear mongering to influence, manipulate the opinions and actions of its citizens with the goal of fueling anti-immigrant sentiment. This country was built by immigrants’ sweat and hard labor not just from Latin America, but from Europe and Africa. How can the U. S. carryon with not only taking their land, but also taking their pride, belittle them by inviting immigrants into this country and then deporting them as they conveniently desire when ‘those second class citizens are no longer useful’. I genuinely believe that American are in fear of Latinos. And they act they way they do to keep them at a margin, contain at a place where they are in need to settle and at often times take the poor jobs they get. It is embarrassing as a U. S. citizen that my own country carries this behavior. How can anyone be the cause of such horrible acts, of separating families due to technical issues and then praise to be the most powerful country in the world. The United States is the most powerful country in the world because our predecessors have gone out of their way to steal anything of value, not other communities’ ideas like Iroquois, or from the other developing countries of the world. The U. S must stop this way of politics and reach an agreement. An agreement where immigrants and workers are rewarded for their efforts, where we pay the price they are worth and earned for their hard work, that we restore what has been stolen, where the rich upper class get taxed according to the gross income they are earning. Where the jobs stolen are restored to Mexicans and Africans, restored for everything they have lost as a result of being brought here to build this country. This should be the land of opportunity, where everyone is equal at all levels and topics, not the land of exploiting the weak and enslaving them. Where is all this nonsense going to stop? I know is not that simple, to reverse the damage that has been done after so many years but we must start somewhere, perhaps by acknowledging the truth and not hiding the real facts behind the Latino scapegoat. People must be educated before taking a stand on what spot on the spectrum to be in. It is a very sensible topic that involves the lives of actual people, actual families. Thank you Geraldo Rivera for not forgetting about your roots, and using your position as a media figure to be an activist against the Latino immigrants.
Challenges for Poverty Reduction in Malaysia Essay
One of the challenges for poverty reduction in Malaysia is migrant worker’s issue. The current development policies of Malaysia are influenced by globalisation and liberalization which leads to the implications on activities related to poverty. The decrease in employment opportunities affects the urban poor and migrant workers. The demand for skilled human resources in capital intensive activities are huge since Malaysia is restructuring its economy. An increase in the number of overseas employees has caused a bad effect towards the IOP in the post world repercussion of 2008. The contribution of overseas employees for local economy, remittance for their country origin, expected competition in the local labor market between local and migrant workers and the potential of massive amount of overseas labours contribute to major concerns about the issue. Ethnic issues would be the second challenge for poverty reduction in Malaysia due to the educational and achievements of Bumiputera students in major disciplines of the economy are lower than the non Bumiputera students. This led to an academic lacuna between the two sectors. Turmoil between ethnic groups would become worse if the policy makers refuse to create promising agreements. Therefore, the expected gap between poor and non poor will be widened. The Malays are dominant in the rural poverty which reminded the policy makers to figure out the national level concept of poverty. NEP 2010 poverty eradication is mainly focused on Malay rural population. The third challenge of poverty reduction in Malaysia is rural and urban poor with more than half of the family units are poor, rural and urban poor poverty have constantly been identified as a problem confined to rural. The effects of poverty are devastating among urban communities as most of the new poor family units are settled in urban areas. Innovative strategies and policies should be implemented with strong responsibility in programs planning and inner city development expenses allocation are required.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Perception About Fairness Creams Essay
Research Problem: There has been an increase in the advertisement for Fairness cream for men. Several new brands have cropped up following the lead of Fair and Handsome from Emami, the House of Fair and Lovely, the most popular fairness. We now have Vaseline and Nivea running the race to capture the market of men who wish to have fairer skin. We wished to analyse how the youngsters of today perceive this cream for fairer men, which breaks the conventional image of â€Å"Tall, Dark and handsome†. Hence, the question, â€Å"What do the Indian youth think about the Fairness Cream for men?†Objective: To understand the perception of the youth towards Fairness Cream for men. Research Methodology: As the first step towards finding the answer to this question, a qualitative research was needed. The projective technique of Association was used. Association tasks, the most commonly employed projective technique, require subjects to respond to the presentation of an object by indicating the first word, image, or thought elicited by the stimulus. The respondents were provided with two stimuli. First, Fair and Lovely to gauge their idea about fairness cream in general and fairness for women. Next stimulus was Fair and Handsome, the fairness cream for men from the same house. This was done to understand what they felt about fairness for men. Apart from the projective technique, the next method of data collection was obtrusive observation. The respondents were observed to understand and cross check the response of the respondents. Some of the respondents were further probed to understand the reason for their response. Observations: After collecting the data from a sample size of around 50, which were a good mix of both men and women, ranging from the age of 20 – 28 years, following observations have surfaced: 1. Majority of the people associate fairness cream with the brand ambassador, who generally represent beauty and grandeur. 2. While the most obvious and common association for Fair and Lovely cream was fairness or beauty, the response for Fair and Handsome was mixed. While some people associated it with handsome men, many people responded â€Å"Gay†. They believe fairness is associated with women and not something men desire. 3. The third type of response was of those people who believe fairness for men or women is more of stereotyping and not good for the society in general. These people were further probed to inquire about the reason for the same. The response was, â€Å"India was ruled by the Whites for a long time. Somehow, Indians associate fair skin with superiority. This is also what the fairness cream advertisement also imply. A girl with fairer skin fares better in all aspects, be it personal or professional life. Similar is the scenario for men with fair skin.†4. The last perception about fairness cream for both men and women was that they do not work and are just a gimmick to which people fall prey to.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Reading Response on Four by Veronica Roth
To have a successful fife in the right faction when a boy or girl turns sixteen they must take the aptitude test which helps them pick their faction. However, they may choose their faction based off of opinion or interest. There are five factions to choose from. Abnegation, the ones who value selflessness, Candor, the ones that honor honesty, Amity, the ones that honor the peaceful, Erudite, the ones who honor the intelligent, and Dauntless, the ones that honor the brave. Each faction honors a certain trait. They believe that if a person was brave, or selfless, or kind, there would be no war and only peace.At the Choosing pick their factions. They may choose to stay with Ceremony the teenagers their faction and their families or they can abandon them. Later on, if they prove to be unfit for their new factions they will become factionists; these are the people that have no family, no home. They live together or alone in abandoned buildings or homes, and even on the streets. Tibias Eat on, originally from Abnegation, has turned sixteen and has to decide what he was going to do with his life and what faction he will spend it in. However, one thing is clear for him.He will run from Abnegation, and he will run from his father. Tibias has to escape his father, and find a place where he is safe, and hidden. Tibias is tired of living in fear and is ready to take on his own path in a different faction. When Tibias returns to his plain Abnegation home he goes to his room and reviews his most precious possessions that were given to him by his mother. Tibias was informed that his mother died of child labor when he was a young boy. This made his family fall apart and caused the tension between him and his father.The author made this connection teen Tibias and his mother to show how his mother was the glue of their family and that Tibias was closer to her than he is to his father. When Tibias reviews all of his possessions he is caught by his father and has it all taken away from him. His father throws all of his treasures around the room, destroying them in the process. Tibias is now deprived of the only connection he had to his mother. Yet, we are about to discover more about Tibia's and his fathers relationship. Tibias has developed a fear of his father and this is because of the abuse his father puts on Tibias. His hands oiled with my chest. I stumble back and hit the dresser. Then he draws his hand back by his face to hit me, and say my throat tight with fear ‘ ‘The Choosing Ceremony, Dad! ††tomorrow was Tibia's Choosing Ceremony. His last chance to escape, to be free of fear. â€Å"When we get there, my father puts a hand on my shoulder as we walk to the entrance, sending shocks of pain through my body. Have to get out. †The day of the Choosing Ceremony is the day Tibias changes his life and the person he will become. Tibias is desperate to escape Abnegation and to escape his father.As the ceremony goes on, Tibias is thinking of what faction he will choose. Where will he fit in the most? Where will he be safe? He decides that Candor, Erudite, and Amity are not choices that he can live with. His only choice is Dauntless. â€Å"l open my palm over the coals. Feel like they're burning in my stomach, filling me to the brim with fire and smoke. I am free. †The minute the ceremony is over, Tibias begins initiation. He and the rest of the initiates must prove their bravery by jumping on to a moving train, then jump off of a moving train on a roof, and finally they must jump off of the roof.My stomach drops and my limbs fumble in the air for something, anything to hold onto, but there is nothing, only the drop, the air, the frantic search for the ground. †As initiation goes by Tibias changes his name to Four. After facing his worst fears Tibias and his initiation instructor Mar find out that he only has four fears. This new name gave Tibias new power, a new identity. â€Å"My name is Four,†I say. â€Å"Call me ‘Stiff again and you and I will have a problem. †During initiation, Four makes many friendships and becomes close to Mar. However, he is still quite different from the rest.He likes to be alone, to have a peace of mind once in a while. The first stage of initiation is physical training and combat. Four has the drive and the practice from his childhood abuse to become the best initiate. He proves his bravery by beating the other initiates in combat fights and using his strength and his thinking skills to his advantage. By the end of stage one, Four is ranked first out of his entire class and is considered someone to look out for. In the second stage of initiation Four has to prove that he can overcome his fears mentally using critical, fast thinking and by asking decisions that may be risky but courageous.However, Four thinks differently and beats the system by being aware during his stimulations that it is not reality. By being able t o do this he gets out of the stimulation by realizing that if he jumps he won't die because it's not real. Its just a test. Later on, Mar teaches Four to go through the stimulation like any other Dauntless would; with bravery. At the end of initiation the initiates are ranked to show who has more potential and more strength than others. For Four, his rank surprised him a bit. â€Å"Instantly, some of the tension disappears. I follow he list up, and panic stabs me for just a second when I can't find my own name.But then, there it is, right at the top. 1. Four. †After initiation Four becomes a full pledged Dauntless. Finally, he is rid of Abnegation, rid of his father. When Four gets his apartment he also gets a job offer to become a dauntless leader. Even though Four wanted to have a job where he would be the initiation instructor, like Mar, he was expected to have a more prestigious job since he was ranked first. Four agrees to take the job but his heart isn't with it. Later on, Four realizes that if he becomes a leader he will eve to face his father, an Abnegation leader. My fingers start to go numb. I've faced my fears so many times in simulations, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to face them in reality. †Four has to learn what it would be like to be a Dauntless leader but he also needed to learn the basic lifestyle of the Dauntless and needs to learn that Dauntless is more ‘out there' than Abnegation with their feelings, thoughts, and emotions. When Four goes to the meeting for dauntless leadership he quietly disagrees with the way the leaders handle situations and the changes that they want to make to aunties initiation.As the days go by, Four takes multiple tests that will determine if he has what it takes to become a leader, there is still tension and competition between Four and Eric and the fact that Eric has information that threatens Fours identity, and Four still has the suspicion of an intruder coming into his apartment. Four f inally faces his new life as the new â€Å"best†initiate of Dauntless. After a day of hard work, Four returns home to find that once again somebody was in his apartment. This time they left a note. â€Å"On the day you hated most. At the time when she dies. In the place where oh first jumped on. Four figured out that someone that had some connection to his childhood wanted to meet him. Instinctively, Four thinks its Marcus, his father. Four decides that he needs to know what Marcus wants and why he risked getting caught to contact him. When Four arrives at the platform in the middle of the night, its not Marcus that shows up. Its Evelyn Eaton. His mother. Right away Fours mind races with memories of his mothers the death. The funeral, the gathering, the ashes. The only thing Four can say is â€Å"You're supposed to be dead. †Fours mother tries to explain to IM that she didn't leave to hurt him.She had to get away from Abnegation, from Marcus. Just like Four. The aut hor here shows a similarity where both the mother and the son needed to escape from Fours father and his lifestyle. This show that Marcus might hide his temper and his real self from the public and only shows and acts like him true self at home. However, Four doesn't want to hear her pity story and he acts like she is the last person he wants to talk to. â€Å"Stop wasting my time. What are we doing here? †Evelyn reveals to Four that she is a leader to the factionists and that there is a big chance of a pricing among the factions and that Four should be on her side. Our city is changing, Tibias. The factionists are coming together, and so are Dauntless and Erudite. Sometime soon, everyone will have to choose a side, and I know which one you would rather be on. I think you can really make a difference with us. †Four doesn't care about any Of the problems, really. He just can't let go of the fact that Evelyn hasn't talked or reached out to him in seven years and now she actually wants something from him. A favor. Four chooses to run from her. Like he ran from him. Now that Four is trying to find who he ally is he wants to get a tattoo that will represent him as a person.While Four is getting the tattoo, Tort, the tattoo artist tells him about being Divergent. â€Å"That's a word for people who are aware during simulations, who refuse to categorize. †Four realizes that fits the description of Mar. Mar was aware during the Simi ululations. Divergent fit Mar, and it fit him. When Four meets with the dauntless leadership group again, he proves to have a less strategic protocol for initiates than no one other than Eric. Four realizes that this is his chance to change jobs and to escape leadership. To be honest, sir, I don't think that this is the right place for me.I told you when you first asked me that I'd like to be an instructor, and think I'm realizing more and more that that's where I belong. †Days have passed by after Four's meeti ng with Evelyn. He had time to think if leaving Dauntless, betraying his faction to join the factionists is the best thing he can do right now. He decides that it's not. He has friends that support and understand him and he knows that no way is he leaving them behind. â€Å"If the factions are deteriorating, as my mother loud have me believe, this is not a bad place to watch them fall apart. Four makes the choice to stay loyal to the faction that set him free. Two years later, Four is the initiation instructor for a group of transfer initiates which means that they come from other factions. There were initiates from Candor, Erudite, Amity, and Abnegation. The girl from Abnegation sparked Fours interest. Her name was Tries. She had a small form and looked as if she can snap like a twig in a second. Whenever Four is next to her he acts a certain way. He loses his hard, mean personality and opens up to her like he doesn't veer do to anyone.
Friday, September 13, 2019
INTERNATIONAL HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
INTERNATIONAL HRM - Essay Example an now be called on to create company wide policies which affect the people working in London as much as they affect employees working in other parts of the globe. Implementing a global policy is never an easy task since the HR manager who is assigned to the job may have to balance several cultural, national and business systems related issues. Cultural differences are probably the widest set of problems since the phrase is used as a generic term for all the differences which people may have in their workplaces from country to country and region to region. In fact, I think that the elimination or at least the reduction of cultural differences could be the best course of action a HR manager could take. This is actually at the heart of the definition of globalisation where we are heading towards a mixture of cultures that represent us as human beings. The company wide HR policies can be a document which sets up the culture of the company even as an isolated bubble in a country where the outside culture is significantly different. However, this could also be asking for trouble as going with policies which are very much at odds with local cultures can create resentment and even a loss of human capital. The problems are compounded by the fact that MNC by their nature and definition may have origins in countries other than their main operations (Edwards & Kuruvilla, 2005). Wipro originated in India for example but has established offices in Sweden and London. Microsoft still calls the U.S. its home, yet the majority of their software is developed in India. An HR manager therefore, might consciously or unconsciously found the companies policies in the culture of its national origins thereby somewhat defeating the purpose of an international HR policy (Faulkner, et. al. 2002). To carry over the same style of HR management between countries with vastly different business cultures is very difficult. The situation which comes about in these cases is that important
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Management, Work and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Management, Work and Society - Essay Example It also gives an idea of about when and how the recognition and measurement of intangibles assets are done in a business corporation. Further it also elaborates the condition needed to be an intangible asset. The paper thoroughly describes elements associated with intangible assets like why corporations purchase or internally develops them and what are the examples of intangible assets. Furthermore the paper describes value of intangible assets for a business corporation. Nowadays it is a very sensitive area regarding accounting of intangible assets in a business combination. Further it also shows the importance intangibles assets held by the acquiree’s business while going for business combination. It also describes the growing importance of the various types of intangible assets like human resources, technology & etc. It also helps us to understand the basis of valuation of an intangible asset in the context of sports players in corporate teams. It highlights the trend of bu ying sports teams by the corporate houses and naming them after their name. These corporate houses treat these sports teams and their players as intangible and their valuation is major concern for them (Cohen 2011). Intangible assets Intangible assets can be defined as non-monetary assets which cannot be seen, touched or measured physically. These are identified as separate assets and are created through time or efforts. Hand and Lev (2003) has stated that intangibles can be identified in two basic forms viz. legal intangibles and competitive intangibles. Legal intangibles comprises of copyrights, patents, trademarks whereas competitive intangibles comprises of various activities related to the acquisition of knowledge , various collaboration activities, leverage activities, various structural activities, human capital, competitive advantage etc. Legal tangibles are generally called as intellectual property and the one who possess these assets have the legal right to defend these as sets in the court of law. On the other hand competitive intangible assets cannot be owned legally but are of great importance. It has a direct influence on the effectiveness, productivity, costs, revenue, customer satisfaction, market value and overall performance of an organization (Hand and Lev 2003). Intangible assets can also be categorized as the one that are being included for the accounting purposes and are included in the balance sheet of the companies. Such intangible assets include licenses and patents, purchased goodwill and capitalized R&D costs. The other category includes the intangible assets that are not being considered while accounting and are considered assets from the economics perspective. Various intangible assets that are generally excluded under accounting rules includes staff training, brand value, the development of IT systems, and customer networks. As per IAS 38 an intangible asset other than goodwill can be defined as non-monetary asset which do not have any physical substance. An asset can be recognized as intangible asset only if it is expected to yield future economic benefits and
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS - Essay Example The tourism industry also falls in the hospitality. The hospitality industry is entirely dependent on the availability of individual’s leisure time and disposable income. The hotels and resorts seek to maximize the number of customers to their facilities in order to capitalize on profitability. To ensure a constant flow of customers, most of the hotels and restaurants today have engaged the services of hotel brokers. The brokers utilize business networks and other advertisement channels to create awareness of the hotels, restaurants and other fields of the hospitality industry’s services. Location and quality services are two essential factors that establish the competitiveness of any field in the hospitality industry. Other factors that helps the organizations gain and sustain their competitive advantage include dependability, professionalism and excellent customer experience. The Hilton Hotels and Resorts is an international organization from the hospitality sector th at has existed for over 92 years today. This organization is well known to many people across the globe for its stylish, advanced thinking and an international leader in the hospitality industry. In addition, the organization is famous for its innovative and creative approach to their services, facilities and other products tailor made to suit a variety of needs for their existing and potential customers (Hilton Hotels and Resorts 2013). ... The organization also continues to expand by constructing new hotels properties in different parts of the world while maintaining their quality services (Hilton Hotels and Resorts 2013). The Hilton Resorts are an epitome of quality in the hospitality industry with the best customer experience in the world. The Resorts offer several services to the customers ranging from spas to excellent cuisines. The spa offers all unique services that create the urge in customers to always come back for more (Potter 1999). The Resorts also offer a wide variety of quality to the customer’s with an option of tailor made cuisines on demand. The Resorts also provide unique surroundings and perfect beachside views that form a suitable outdoor sight that is appealing to individuals who prefer relaxing outdoors. To create repeat customers and to enhance loyalty from the existing ones, Hilton Resorts invests on creating good memories of a single visit to their facilities. In addition, the Resorts al so offer specialized treatment and services to periodical visits such as family gateways, romantic couple of vacations, business retreats. The need for such treatment is satisfied by the presence of a Hilton Resort within close proximity to their customers (Hilton Hotels and Resorts 2013). Just like any other organization, the Hilton Hotels and Resorts use an organizational chart that helps in giving all the stakeholders a clear overview of the reporting relationships at the workplace. The charts also provide a general idea of the division of work and levels of management within the organization. Hilton Hotels and Resorts current organizational chart portrays the structural dimensions taken by the management namely formalization, specialization, centralization,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The quantitative analysis of Affordable Care Act Essay
The quantitative analysis of Affordable Care Act - Essay Example The policy denies the rich their rightful earnings from the work that they do through the high taxes levied against them, and as such discouraging them from working hard. They earn less when they work for more hours, whilst the low-income earners earn more when they work for less hours. This creates an economic state of reservation, whereby people feel reluctant, especially the low-income earners, from working hard and improving their social setting for fear of upgrading into a higher taxation level (Akosa, Asako and Kosali 45). Nevertheless, it is imperative to note that the Health care policy brought about the much-needed reforms into the heath care policy. The ObamaCare Act dubbed after president Obama, or the Patient protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes social justice and equality by ensuring the low incomes earners who cannot afford insurance policies have the capacity to access them, and as such have access to a higher quality health insurance. The act provides regulations that govern the insurance market, thereby mandating the purchase of insurance. This creates a state of social equality in the health insurance market. Unlike before where these insurance firms preferred the rich and healthy as their most viable and valuable customers, and as such, shunned the low income earners and those with a sickness history, the act compels them to sell their insurance to the low-income earners as well, which promotes social care and affordability of health insurance (Dye 82). The best theory to use in analyzing this Affordable Care Act is the Theory of Marginal Utility, which is the additional increment to utility obtained through the consumption of an additional unit of good, or service. The marginal utility of the two income brackets in the United States subjected to this policy is very different. For instance, the Marginal Utility for the rich people is much lower than
Monday, September 9, 2019
Isaiah verse 1.1-2.1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Isaiah verse 1.1-2.1 - Essay Example God expresses his anger towards those who try to bribe him using sacrifices that he may let them continue with their sins and save them from punishment. In the second chapter God goes beyond Judah and promises his judgment for the entire universe, promising the wicked anguish in a punishment that would purify the land of the wicked and save the just and righteous. God, through Isaiah, promises â€Å"the day of the Lord,†when those who are proud will be ashamed and suffer. There are questions concerning the authorship of the entire book of Isaiah, with some suggesting that it could have been contributed towards by different authors (Bratcher, 2015). However, the first and the second chapter show a clear flow of events, thus indicating that it was authored by one individual. The first verse of the first chapter of the book of Isaiah includes an addition of the editor aimed at identifying the prophet of God in the book and the circumstances that underlie his ministry. It is important to note that the name Isaiah means â€Å"the Lord’s salvation†, giving a glimpse of the mission of God towards saving his people, and clearly indicating that the people had turned away from God for them to need salvation (Young, 1992). The chapter involves a series of oracles that collected at different periods during the ministry of Isaiah. The people of Israel had lost their way and intended to establish alliances and political alignments with other nations that served pagan gods such as Egypt and Assyria (Kickert, 2009). God sent Isaiah to speak God’s voice among the people of Israel to remind them of their origin, and what God expected of them. In this first chapter, Isaiah used animals such as Ox and Ass considering their stubbornness and stupidity to define the failure of the Israelites to heed the voice of God. Israel was a term that was used by various prophets
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Prince Among Slaves Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Prince Among Slaves - Movie Review Example He later married an American born enslaved woman whom they had nine children. Abdul Rahman strongly believed in his right for freedom. During his enslavement, Rahman met an Irish ship surgeon whose life had been saved by his father when he was marooned in Africa thus making him the only white man who owed Abdul debt. The Irish’s several attempts to purchase Abdul Rahman’s freedom but the bond of slavery proved strong and Foster refused to sell the man he referred to as Prince. According to â€Å"IslamiCity†, after two more decades and 40 years of enslavement, Abdul met a local printer who had a friend in US Embassy in Morocco led to communication between the Moroccan Sultan and president John Quincy that eventually led to his freedom (Web). After the successful appeal by the president to Foster, Rahman was released to go on a condition that he goes to Africa directly without being granted rights of a free man in America. Rahman decided to work hard to get enough money to purchase his family freedom because he did not like the idea of going back to Africa immediately, which he succeeded early with his wife. He got a setback from the higher prices of his children and grandchildren, which proved too high to raise thus prompting him to give lectures and solicit for donations. He then faced President Adams whom he revealed to that he was not a Moroccan and the President refused to pay any money to assist him (â€Å"IslamiCity†Web). Nevertheless, sickness and the risk of being returned to Foster drove him to leave without his children in Africa where he further pressed for his children’s freedom but he unfortunately died barely four months after his return. Some of his children were however, purchased ultimately while others remained enslaved and to this date, Abdul Rahman legacy is alive amongst his descendants. Prince Among Slaves is a coherent story that fits together well and pays attention to the notions such as dates and the reality of enslavement which boosts the viewer’s confidence that it is true. Information received from the documentary is a true story that is received from a reliable source and the on our account there is a strong belief to believe that the account is very true. The period of enslavement actually took place in the 1770s and prince Rahman was captured as the history tells it. Professor Terry Alford found the document from Henry Clay’s that documented the life of Abdul Rahman that prompted him to write a full account of the Prince. Main character is Abdul Rahman who is an African prince that remained enslaved in America for 40 years before he regained his freedom and return to Africa. He falls from a life of power and privileges into enslavement in a foreign land where he endures unimaginable indignities but marries an enslaved woman and has children. It is interesting when he regains freedom after his royal status recognized in the very land he was enslaved. He manag es to rescue his wife and some of his children after making several attempts of buying freedom. Rahman is represented as a man who lived in extraordinary times but did extraordinary things such as purchasing his freedom and other aspects that interweave the theme of bondage and deliverance. He is
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Work Bibliography Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Work Bibliography - Research Paper Example The fist is an official document that served as an imperial record of the confiscation of church property, and reveals the depth to which persecution took place, and the Roman Empire re-embraced the persecution of Christians. It also points to an even more systematic persecution than had happened before, where persecutions would only be carried out in cases where Christians were overt in their worship, and would refuse to deal with Roman authorities, or when a local Roman Official was incredibly intent in the persecution. The acceptance of the Church in the decades before Julian’s reign, however, pushed Christianity into public life. This meant that the rise of persecution struck more deeply at the now open Christianity than previous persecutions had at closeted Christianity. This article also outlines a letter from a man to his wife that indicates the kinds of small personal resistances that Christians attempted to undertake in the face of this new brutal oppression. Though t hey would not often stand openly against the state, according to this article, they also did not bend to that oppression, and attempted to resist in the small ways that were available to them. Harrison, J. R. 2002. Paul and the Imperial Gospel at Thessaloniki. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 25 (1): 71-96. ... the creation of Bishops who would preside over a certain area, and made the travel of Christians from one area to another easier, as well as allowing the birth of Christian communities in areas where there had not been ones previously easier, because they had a mold and a model to follow. Furthermore, it indicates that this administrative copying of the Roman Empire also had a profound impact on the theology of the Christian Church, allowing for the deciding of theological issues through councils of Bishops, but also reducing the populism of the earliest church in favor of a more top-down, authoritarian religious practice. den Boeft, J., and D. H. Williams. 1996. Ambrose of Milan and the end of the Arian-Nicene conflicts. Vigiliae Christianae 50 (3): 315. This text outlines the role of one of the most important early Bishops, Ambrose of Milan, in bringing to a close the Arian-Nicene conflict. Though the council of Nicene decided on an orthodoxy, declaring the Arian beliefs hete rodox or heretical, this did not stop the continuation of Arian practices. This was a pattern that emerged though many church councils, where the losing side would continue to act in the ways they had previously, especially if, as was the case with the Arian heresy, the heresy was geographically concentrated. The article argues that without strong defense of orthodoxy, as was provided by Ambrose of Milan, it is quite possible that Arian beliefs would have continued to flourish for many years after the Nicean council. It outlines the steps Ambrose took to defend orthodoxy as decided by the Council of Nicene. But it also complicates the historical memory of Ambrose of Milan somewhat, by demonstrating that he had substantial investment in defending the orthodoxy for reasons other than theological
Should Corrections Be Date and Time Stamped Essay Example for Free
Should Corrections Be Date and Time Stamped Essay 1.Should corrections be date and time stamped? According to the American Medical Association, all medical records should be date and time stamped and should identify the corrector or the person that is making any changes of any sort. First, the individual making the correction needs to identify him or herself as having authorization to do so. Secondly, any corrections need to contain the date and time they took place so that if any questions were to arise they may be better referenced. Finally, all changes to a patient’s medical record must contain a list of people to notify of the changes. All of these steps are necessary without exception to protect the accuracy of a patient’s medical record. 2.When should a patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient? A patient must understand how their medical records are being maintained. This is very important for confidentiality. Patients need to stay advised of the existence of computerized databases that contain their medical records before the records transfer to the staff entering them into the database. The patient is also to be advised as to whom will maintain their records and who will and will not have access to their medical records. Any person able to access the patient’s record through the computerized database needs to be identified to the patient before the records become part of the system. These steps are to ensure the patient that the right measures are being taken to keep their records confidential.
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